Your #1 tool to interpret guidance from the universe

habits intuition spiritual coaching Apr 21, 2020

My private clients often tell me the same thing: "I feel like I'm getting signs from the Universe, but I don't know what they mean!"

My clients come to me feeling pretty spiritually connected.

They may sense that Spirit is with them.

Or looking out for them.

Or sending them little hello! messages...

But they feel frustrated because they’re don't feel like they're getting any clear guidance about what steps they’re supposed to take next on THAT THING they've been asking for guidance on!

They’re not getting their questions, ya know, like, ANSWERED.

And it’s so. freaking. CONFUSING.

And kinda maddening.

I’ve definitely been in this frustrated place.

Even when I WAS getting clear guidance, my immediate response wasn't...

“Why thank you guides for that incredibly clear and direct information!”

It was more like... “Mmmmmm… I don’t knowwww……. so you're saying I'm a psychic? Nahhhh.... that can’t be right… I better read 8,000 blog posts about psychic mediumship, wring my hands, and sit and stare at the wall instead.”


(my poor guides… lol)

Sigh... so anyway!

What do these signs from the Other Side look like?

  • Coins

  • Feathers

  • Rainbows just when you need them

  • Seeing repeating numbers like 11:11, 3:33, 5:55, 10:10 on the clock - again and again

  • Seeing numbers that are special to a loved one, like their birthday

  • Hearing a song that communicates something at a meaningful moment

  • Smelling a loved one’s perfume or cologne or cigar smoke

  • Seeing something specific that reminds you of a loved one

  • Dreaming that your loved one was with you

These are all signs from loved ones who have crossed over, but the signs you're getting are sometimes more general signs from the Universe (i.e. your guides and angels).

One of my favorite signs from the Universe is a synchronicity: a situation that is WILDLY coincidental.

These synchronicities can make you feel like you are getting signs that YES, your Spirit team is with you and YES, you are on a good path!

AND — it's cool!

Really cool!

But when you plead specifically with a "Tell me what to do" request?


When I discovered I was a medium, I spent a lot of time wondering if I was actually cut out to do this work.

(It IS a bizarre thing I discover in your early forties LET ME TELL YOU.)

Then I saw these three things within a couple of weeks time:

I saw the same bumper sticker on TWO different cars that said: I read dead people.

Another sticker on a wall covered with stickers that said: Help Portland’s Dead.

It’s like my guides were saying, “Listen babe. We’ve let you do all KINDS of other careers up to this point, but now sweetheart, you need to do this work because we need your help.”

Needless to say, I took the guidance.

But back to you and your seemingly non-communicative guides...

Seeing signs from your loved ones who have passed over are most likely your loved ones letting you know that they are with you.

They're sending little messages to say that they love you.

That they haven’t left your side.

That they are rooting you on and wanting you to live a good life.

Seeing signs that feel like hello from the Universe can be largely attributed to your Spirit Team — that team of guides, angels, and protectors on the other side that is here to help steer you.

And here's the good news!

They ARE guiding you, but not in a way that you might think.

Your guides are encouraging you every day with one special gift you've been given:

Your intuition.

Now don't go rolling your eyes at me on this one.

Your intuition is your #1 tool to interpret which way your guides are steering you.

Remember love, everyone is intuitive.

Some people may TRUST their intuition more.

Some people grew up in an environment that valued intuitive feelings, visions, thoughts, senses, voices more than others, but we are all intuitive.

You do not need to be a psychic medium to be intuitive.

You just need to listen to yourself and stop debating what you hear in your head! (Take it from someone who knows.)

So… when you’re like, “ Ummmm HELL-LO up there! Guides? For real though, what do I do about x, y, z?!”

It doesn’t always come like an answer (until you learn to really tune into your specific way of intuiting your next steps).

Intuition is more subtle, especially at first.

And it takes time to trust it.

The truth is, when you're asking for guidance, you often already know what to do about x,y,z.

You often already know, babe.

But that answer may be scary or challenging or hard, and most likely vulnerable.

One way we protect ourselves (and also subconsciously stall on taking action) is to say, "I'm waiting for a sign but I'm just not getting a clear answer!"

It can feel much safer to wait for a precise answer than to just start and figure it out as you go.

Often times your guides are waiting for YOU to take action so that they can give you little crumbs of stick-with-it-ness and now-go-this-way-ness along the way.

Like that warmer! colder! game.

Is that a wee bit scary?

Of course.

And — Hello bravery.

Hello courage.

Hello adventure.

Hello life.

Here's one trick to starting to listen to your intuition more:

Start thinking that your intuition doesn't come from you but from a Spiritual team that has a bird’s eye view on your life.

If something in you says DO THIS or DON'T DO THAT or WAIT.

Trust it.

If you don't get an immediate answer, then wait until you get a feeling (or a voice or an image or a knowing) and then trust that.

Repeat and repeat and repeat.

It will get easier and easier.

Remember that your guides are communicating with you through your intuition ALL THE TIME.

You just need to keep tuning into them.

Okay - let’s recap from today:

  1. Signs from the Other side are wonderful! They’re letting you know that you are not alone.

  2. Signs from your loved ones are real. They're showing you that they're with you.

  3. Signs from the Universe — also real. Your Spirit Team is with you.

  4. Your specific guidance comes from your internal guidance system - your intuition.

  5. Your job is to TRUST those images, feelings, voices, thoughts and follow them.

  6. If it helps, think of your intuition as your Spirit Team speaking directly to you. Trust them until you can build that intuitive muscle.

I feel like there are going to be follow up questions about this post…

Where do you get tripped up with your intuition?

Do you have a hard time trusting what your intuition tells you?

Do you know why?

I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on this topic.

Would you be interested in a class to learn about trusting your intuition more?

I’m always looking for ways to be able to serve you better.


The beta group reading is FULL!

Thank you for all who inquired and for all those participating! (More to come on how that goes.) big hugs until next time,


PS: Share this post with someone you love who may need it. <3

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