You’re not crazy

Apr 18, 2024

Hey lovey,

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day.

She’s been going through a spiritual unfolding for the last few years and it’s been pretty amazing to watch. 

(sidenote: I believe you can have an awakening in a moment, but then the unfolding can take years after that as you discover more and more about your path)

ANyway, she left me an audio message and said these words…

"This is going to sound crazy, but this <insert spiritual occurrence> happened…"

I hear this ALL. THE. TIME. from folks who are experiencing their own spiritual unfolding.

But here’s the thing babe… 

You’re not crazy. 

You’re just starting to expand your sensitivity outside of what you’ve grown accustomed to up to this point. 

Maybe you had a prophetic dream…

Or you saw something out of the corner of your eye just when someone was talking about their mother-in-law who’d just passed…

Or you SWEAR you saw someone walking around your room in the middle of the night but—you checked!—there was no one there. (<<< this one happened to me for a WHILE… totally tripped me out)

You’re not crazy. 

You may not have anyone to talk to about it or you may not have anyone you feel safe to share that information with, but there’s nothing wrong with you.

In fact, this is a really exciting time for you, if you let it be an exciting time for you. 

If something’s happening where you find yourself saying, “This sounds crazy… “ that’s just your conditioning talking. 

You’re actually right on track in your unfolding. 

You may need some support or other people to talk to, but there is nothing wrong with you. 

I’m so jazzed to be putting together some ways for you to feel more supported in the coming weeks. 

Stay tuned for ways to be connected.

Big hugs,


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