You are WAY more intuitive than you realize
Sep 02, 2024
Hello loved one,
Before I get into today’s blog post, Spiritual Meditation for Beginners (the at-home study course) is LIVE and ready for you to dive in and LEARN!
If you’ve been waiting to jump on this course (especially if you want to take the Intuitive Rockstar course, LIVE, starting September 30th), you will need to complete this course first.
So! If you want to be a part of that, you can jump in and get the course here.
Now. Let’s talk about YOU and how incredibly intuitive you are.
Yes babe. You.
One of my missions (annnnd I’m trancing out as I write this because it’s so true) is for me to help everyday people (like you) TRANSSCEND beyond what they thought was possible.
That looks like giving trainings aimed at expansion (like this one).
That looks like doing multidimensional healings where I remove curses and vows and the remnants of psychic attacks. You can book one of these sessions here.
That looks like opening up a Facebook community and offering free training to enable you to feel safe on your spiri​​tual journey. (PS: I offer free trainings in the FB group every, Wednesday at 12pm. If you haven’t joined yet, you can join the Spiritual Playground here.)
That looks like doing transformational work with individuals through Emotion Code® work.
And that looks like these twice weekly newsletters where I share free information so you can continue on your path.
When you ascend, we all ascend.
As we all ascend, our world improves.
I believe we all deserve to live in a world that connects us on a heart and soul connected level where we feel inspired to be alive.
Call me Pollyanna (wouldn’t be the first time), but I just KNOW that we—individually and collectively—are capable of so. much. more.
(thank you for coming to my TedTalk… heh)
But back to you.
One of the COOLEST things about my job, is spending a month (yes, ONE MONTH) with my spiritual students and at the end of it, hearing the stories about how their intuition is blowing them away.
And I’m talking about students who put themselves in the agnostic camp (Is there a God? Can we know for sure?) and THEY have spiritual experiences that wow them.
Students who have struggled with meditation their whole lives starting to hear very clear voices clairaudiently (verbally in their head) telling them what to do. (this is my whole life, btw)
Students who are SO FREAKING BUSY and overwhelmed with their family and life that they showed up to the class as much as they could (often harried and tired) and STILL told me that they were intuiting things days ahead of time.
I mean, it’s like I get to be Yoda with a whole bunch of Luke Skywalkers moving boulders with their freaking MINDS.
Okay. Not exactly like that. But it FEELS that amazing and powerful.
So. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Hm… I wonder if I’m more intuitive than I realize…”
I already know the answer: Yes, babycakes. You are.
Now, you can discover the breadth and depth of your abilities the way I did it (not recommended, btw). It was a slow, confusing, kinda painful process of trial and error and frustration and confusion.
Or you can study with me and we’ll get your abilities poppin’ in a month.
Individual results may vary (of course)... HOWEVER, the results from our first live class were INCREDIBLE.
Every. Single. Student. told me how their intuition was showing up in SPADES after they finished the course with me.
So. Are you in?
You can jump on over here and grab the at-home course right now.
If you think you want to take it live with me (highly recommended if you can swing it), then we begin again on September 30th. (More details coming very soon. 🙂)
Questions? Reply to this email and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Your life is 100% easier when you’re intuitively tuned in.
(I’ll explain why in my next email.)
PS: Trust yourself and make an intuitive decision on this. You can do it.