You are here to make a difference—a divine reminder

divine guidance inspiration spirit guides spiritual coaching Mar 31, 2021

You are here to make a difference.

Perhaps in the life of one person on one day in all the years that you live.

But most likely not.

You are here to make a difference in little ways on lots of days, again and again and again.

You are here to dip your hand in the pool of kindness, of grace, of joy, of love, and quietly trust that one tiny action will ripple outwards.

It will.

It does.

This difference you make, this difference you are making just by being alive, by breathing, does not have to be newsworthy.

It is worthy without broadcast.

Birdseed in the feeder.

An opened door.

Patience with a call center rep.

Or better yet.

Making a call center rep smile that day.

Cookies for your neighbor.

A postcard for your aunt.

Socks for the new baby.

Flowers for the friend who lost their dad.

Surprise coffee for your love.

A toy mouse for the cat.

A half-smile.

A nod.

A knowing gaze.

A voicemail saying, “I love you. And that’s all.”

No… that’s everything.

These things.

All of these things are a difference.

A gesture.

An effort.

A thought.

A check-in.

A call.

A card.

Even if you feel stuck or lost or sad or scared or tired of the cold or tired of the heat or just freaking TIRED.

Even if all you can do is receive another’s kindness and say thank you.

I am thankful for you.

That is enough.

That is a gift.

That is making a difference.

Remember sweet one.

You are divinity.

You are goodness.

You are grace.

You are joy.

You are love.

Know that you are here to ripple outwards.

Quietly dip your hand in that pool again.

Do me a favor?

Forward this on to someone who needs it today.

Ripple outwards…

With so much love, Rebecca*

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