When you know, you know.

spirit connection spirit guides spiritual coaching Jul 22, 2024

Hello loved one,

Have you ever gone through an experience where, when you came out of it, you knew things that you only had had an inkling about before? 

Where you had felt wishy-washy, suddenly you just KNEW what you had to do?

And then, without much hesitation or worry, you went about making those changes, FAST?

Let me share some examples of how this can manifest itself:

  • You read a book and see your dysfunctional relationship mirrored back to you. For the first time, you GET what your friends have been trying to tell you. After years of going back and forth about whether this person is right for you, you tell your partner you’re leaving the next day. And then you leave. 
  • You’re out to dinner with a bunch of friends from high school. Everyone is drinking heavily and some of the people are making crude jokes and mean-teasing each other (like they always do). It’s exhausting for you. At some point, it grows very quiet around you, you see things in slow motion and you realize that you don’t want to be around these people any longer. In fact, despite your history with them, you don’t want to be around them ever again. The next day you decide to move out of your hometown and start fresh. And then you move. 
  • Your boss calls you into her office and starts to give you a hard time about not working long enough hours, about how “if you really want the promotion, you need to prove it”, about calling out sick too often (even though you’re tending to your sick child). Without thinking or actually realizing you’re doing it, you say, “You know what? I quit.” And then you walk out. 

And these are just the negative situations that I’m talking about.

You can also jump at the chance to go on a trip with someone you just met because something in you says DO IT (even though everyone else—and your rational mind—says you’re out of your gourd). And then you go and have an amazing time. 

You can go back to school to start a new career at age thirty-nine because you had a dream where a loved one encouraged you to follow that career path and you woke up knowing that that was EXACTLY what you needed to do. And then you apply to school and get in. 

You can feel the draw to start meditating out-of-the-blue because you don’t know why (yet), but you know you just have to start a meditation practice. And so you begin. 

EV-ery-one has at least one instance where, FOR SOME REASON, you just knew that you had to do something differently immediately.

In fact, call one of those memories from your life up in your mind for a moment. 

(for real, do this for me - there’s wisdom here for you - promise)

What did it feel like? 

I’ll tell you what it feels like for me:

It’s like I’m riding a wave of energy that is greater than me. 

If you’ve ever surfed or boogie boarded, you know that feeling when you catch the wave and then you (pretty much) lose control of things and you can either ride the wave and see what happens or purposely wipe out. 

It feels much better to ride the wave—AND—it can be dizzying to let go and trust. 

For me, I definitely get the sensation that I have less control over what’s happening in these moments. 

I also know that this wave is taking me where I need to go… if I let it. 

When I’m channeling, life feels good. 


I feel safe. 

I know everything is going to be okay. 

I believe in these moments when we make big, sudden decisions to change our lives, spirit is right there with us, surrounding us, making us feel safe, whole and good to move on to the next level for our personal and spiritual growth. 

When you know, you just KNOW, and you take that action that you’ve probably been trying to take for some time.

It can be thrilling and scary and exciting and disorienting and be exactly what you need to do. 

Speaking of spirit-led changes, I received word (if you will) from my spirit team that I need to only be doing spirit and healing work from here on.

Many of you are reading this and thinking “Well I could have told you that!” 

I know. (LOL) 

We are all walking our own spiritual journey and our insights come when they come. 

I will continue working with a select number of existing business clients, but any new clients will either be Emotion Code® work or spiritual work.

My spiritual work will also be expanding from here forward; I got that very clear directive this past weekend. 

Again, many of you may be quoting Lizzo here by saying, “It’s about damn time!” 

And I love you for that. (lololollll)

I don’t exactly know what that spiritual work looks like yet, but just like everything else with spirit for me, it will be revealed and I’ll share from there.

Do you have a moment in your memory where you just KNEW what you had to do and then you DID it? 

I’d love to hear your story. 

Reply to this email and share it with me. I read every one. 

With love,


PS: Now is the perfect time to get a reading to see what’s going on with YOUR next steps. I recommend a full hour. You can book that here.

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