What to do when everything feels uncertain

coping skills getting unstuck life coaching Sep 23, 2020

Y’all. Y’allllllllllllll-luh.

The world and all this uncertainty is making my head hurt.

No, seriously. I’ve had so many headaches these last few weeks.

Waking up with a pounding headache in the middle of the night is new (and oh so fun).

Headaches are usually a sign of overwhelm for me, and I think it’s safe to say that things have been a WEE BIT OVERWHELMING THIS YEAR FOR ALL OF US. (#understatement)

So here we are, in an extended and ever-changing phase of uncertainty, and it feels incredibly taxing.

What do we do?

Well, let’s break down this feeling of uncertainty (because honestly, the uncertainty has been there all along, it’s just more dramatically in our faces now, isn’t it?).

To me feeling uncertain means that I don’t feel like I have any knowledge and/or power over the future.

It feels like an emotional minor chord where I’m left hanging out there wondering….. 


What now?

With the Covid pandemic, we don’t have a timeline for things to end.

We don’t know if we’ll lose a loved one.

Heck, we don’t know if we’ll get sick and die.

We don’t know if the pandemic will affect the economy negatively.

We don’t know if we’ll get a vaccine.

We don’t know if people will resist the vaccine (and therefore extend the virus).

We don’t know how long any of this will take.

We don’t know when we’ll be able to see our friends and family and hug them again without danger.

Also, most days when we’re out in the world, we don’t know who is sick and contagious and who isn’t.

That’s a freaking ton of uncertainty.

Do you want me to add in the uncertainty about the climate, the election, racial equality and the economy too?

Oh, you’re good?

(Yeah me too.)


All of this is so much—albeit too much—for our already wiped out nervous system to take.

So here are my suggestions to gain your power back and start feeling more certain in bite-sized bits:

Find the places where you can own your power and wield it.

  • Vote.

  • Help get other people registered to vote.

  • Call senators and urge them to make decisions that will positively affect your future.

  • Donate to Democratic causes.

Give yourself a limited time to flip out about the future and then STOP.

  • Set a timer for 2 minutes every day and flip all the way out, and then stop.

  • Keep guiding your mind back to the present moment when it wants to worry and fret.

  • Meditate.

Do a physical task from start to finish to get that satisfaction of certainty.

  • Use your hands and physical body (stay away from screens).

  • Whatever task you pick, make a plan to finish it. Your body needs to complete the loop.

  • Tackle something you’ve been putting off for a while. Progress helps the mind.

Only spend time with people who are trustworthy.

  • Don’t waste any time on people who leave you hanging.

  • Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They don’t deserve it.

  • Be trustworthy yourself.

Feeling uncertain is a helpless feeling, but you can actively help yourself to move out of that feeling.

Try even one of these steps to move from pain to power and tell me how it goes.

*tightens ponytail and puts chin on hands*

I wanna know!

Sending you big, powerful hugs,


PS: One of the things my transformational program clients say they love the most is the one-on-one accountability. Not only are they identifying how their intuition works, but then they’re actively applying it and making strides towards their big dreams. Want to be one of them? Email me and we’ll see if it’s a fit. xoxo Rebecca*

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