Are your visualizations too big?

dream life habits manifesting tips Sep 14, 2021

What the heck kind of question is that?

Am I visualizing too big? Psh!

Most people would say I’m not dreaming big enough!

Okay, okay… but hear me out.

You understand that all things in your life originate from intention, thought, and belief, yes?

I’m sure that if you’ve ever been on the internet you’ve seen at least one video or blog post or article about manifesting your dream life?


(If no, go Google “manifest my dream life” it real quick. There are TONS of words on the topic out there.)

Here’s what every single coach, guru, blog post, teacher will say:

You’ve got to ENVISION what you WANT!

Get it super clear in your mind!

Focusing on this vision day in and day out will help shape the intentions, thoughts, and beliefs to take action to make it happen!

I’m not refuting any of this.

I live in a tiny, floating cottage because I used this method.


Sometimes there are a bajillion, tiny, challenging, and sometimes mundane steps to get from where you are to your dream life.

Even if you manifest your vision quickly (I manifested this house in six months time), there are still hard things you have to do to make your vision a reality.

I had to move money around and talk to scary financial people and deal with a for sale by owner situation and sign special documents all by myself.

Even though I KNEW this little house was the right house for me, I found myself wanting to hide and hope that the house would magically be mine without me having to DO anything.

I REALLY loved the house and it was the vision of a what I wanted, yet doing the hard day-to-day steps to get the keys had me stuck.

Here’s the part of visualization that I think most people miss.

Are you paying attention?

You’ve GOT to have the big vision. Period. It’s got to be clear. You’ve gotta WANT it and be willing to move mountains to make that dream come true.

AND—here’s the lesser known key—it really helps to visualize yourself doing the hum-drum steps too.

Here’s an example: (I’m a visual person so I’m going to use words around seeing things in the future, but you could also hear these things happening or feel the rush of each one. A combination of all three is exceptionally powerful.)

DREAM: You want to write an award winning novel.

You see it completed on your bookshelf.

You see yourself at big events, reading excerpts from your beloved book and signing copies for adoring fans.

You see your book title at the top of the New York Times bestseller list.

You have it all on your vision board.

You come back to your vision day after day.

You feel the thrill in your body every morning and night.

You’re ready to go!

But when you wake up on Monday morning, you’re sunk before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee.

You didn’t sleep well. Your back hurts. The dog needs to be walked. The kids need their lunches made. And you’ve got to figure out dinners for this week. Shoot! Did you miss Grandparents Day? Gosh, you better get some cards when you’re at the store. Maybe grab lunch while you’re out. Maybe leggings are on sale at Target? You need to get back to the gym. You’ve got so much on your plate...

Now, did you catch any writing in there?

Nope, but resistance was all OVER the place.

When you decide to do anything big, resistance will show up and muscle its way to the front of your proverbial to-do list hellbent on keeping you from doing what you really want to be doing.

The truth is that we DO have a lot on our plates.

Life asks a lot of us, especially if we’re managing a household.

So what the heck do you do?

Well, first of all, keep going with that clear vision, morning and night, of your BIG dream.

See it. Feel it. Hear it. Dream it. On the daily.

But then!

You’ve got to add in another layer of intentional visualization, especially if you’re feeling stuck: visualize yourself doing one of the bajillion, mundane, groan-worthy steps to get yourself closer to your goal.

Returning to the writing example, if you need to be up and writing by 9am, SEE yourself up, dressed, coffee at your side, ready to write as the clock strikes 9am.

See yourself making headway, maybe even finishing a chapter.

See and feel yourself being inspired.

See yourself saying no to distractions.

See yourself staying focused until noon when you take a break for lunch and a walk.

Then on lunch, envision yourself diving right back into work after the break is over.

If your big dream is to be in super awesome shape, you visualize the end goal of the body and energy you want.

AND ALSO! You visualize yourself getting up before work, making a protein shake, putting your gym gear on, and getting out the door on time.

You visualize yourself on the treadmill, on the bike, in the Zumba class, lifting weights.

You visualize yourself showering after your workout and feeling freaking proud of yourself.

Do you see how all of these mini visualizations tie together?

Listen, I don’t care how amazing your dream is, some days you’re just not going to want to do the work.

These little visualizations day after day are the building blocks that lead up to the big dream at the end of the rainbow.

Do you get me?

You’ve got to do both, ESPECIALLY if you’re in the quagmire of life.

These visualizations don’t have to be perfect. I don’t care if you're in a messy bun, a tank top, sporting your “no drama llama” pajama pants in your vision so long as you’re DOING THE THING that gets you closer to your dream.

Remember lovey, you’re programming your mind and body to do what you want it to do instead of falling prey to your habitual distractions.

You know what else helps with vision? Having a breakthrough from talking to your guides.

One of my favorite ways to help people who are stuck is with my Divine Path series.

It’s a three part, deep-dive into spiritual communication where we clear your energy field, check in with your past lives about what unfinished business might be blocking you and your path, and then of course, check in with your guides about what steps you need to be taking to get on your Divine Path.

If you’re not ready for full-on coaching with me—although, mentally plant a seed for yourself right now about that: long term coaching is where the breakthroughs really happen—my Divine Path series is the next best thing.

Check out the Divine Path series here.

If you want to see if this series is right for you (if you’re getting the spiritual nudge), reply to this email and let’s talk! I love chatting and answering your questions.

That’s all for this week! I want you TRY THESE visualizations and tell me how the process works for you! If it works for me, I know it’ll work for you.

Sending you big hugs,


PS: Know someone who could really, really use some spiritual healing and direction? Send them my info! Some of my best clients have been referred to me by my other incredible clients. Thank you for helping me spread the word about what I do. <3

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