Use this genius year end strategy to change your life
Dec 16, 2020
I know that (if you celebrate) that we’re deep into holiday mayhem-craziness and you may not be thinking about 2021 yet…
But I want to encourage you to start now.
(Also - there's a free opportunity for some community time coming up in this newsletter. If you want to skip to that part, scroll down to the PS.)
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m a big fan (BIG FAN!) of picking a word for the year. I like picking a word of the year for these three reasons:
Your word serves as a north star to keep you on track with your personal growth all year long
One area of growth is more effective than a handful of new year’s resolutions (that you may or may not stick to)
Words of the year work, when used correctly
When you pick a word that is a good fit for your current growth edge, that word can help you make life decisions that keep you on track and help you become the person you want to be.
I have a super easy method to keep that word front of mind all year long.
*eyebrow waggle*
First, let’s talk about HOW to pick your word for the year because people can get super hung up on this part of the process.
In fact, I’ve seen people spin about this so much that they don’t end up picking a word at all. Let’s not do that, Gina.
Here’s how you pick your word:
Look back on your past year. What did you struggle with the most? Patience? Focus? Anxiety? Depression? Follow-through? Self-worth? Worry? Self-love? Too much screen time? Overwhelm? Doomsday thinking? Apathy?
Pick one (yes, I know 2020 topped the chart for many folks on challenges) but still—pick ONE area that you want to focus on.
Use that word to create a phrase—yes a PHRASE—that homes in on the area you want to grow and that will remind you of what you’re working towards all year long.
Keep the phrase short: only three words, four max.
Here are some examples:
If you want to work on confidence, your phrase could be: I trust myself.
If you want to work on anxiety, your phrase could be: Deep belly breaths.
If you want to work on focus, your phrase could be: Focus to completion.
If you want to work on worth, your phrase could be: I am valuable.
See how that works? Now! *rubs hands together delightedly*
Here’s where it gets really good.
If you don’t incorporate your word into your daily life, chances are you’ll forget it.
Forgetting your word for the year doesn’t mean you have a bad memory.
It means that your brain has a lot to manage.
Adding a new word to remember can fall to the wayside.
I mean, the conscious mind can only juggle so much. So here’s what you do:
Take your phrase.
Add the year to the end of it.
Remove the spaces and make that phrase your password for everything for the year.
Go through ALL of your accounts and change all your passwords for this phrase.
Use that one password, for everything, all year long.
(annnd it really works)
Here are some examples:
I trust myself becomes the password --- Itrustmyself2021
Deep belly breaths become the password --- Deepbellybreaths2021
Focus to completion becomes the password --- Focustocompletion2021
I am valuable becomes the password --- Iamvaluable2021
Passwords are a daily part of life and it can be maddening to try and remember 15 different ones.
This word-of-the-year-as-password solution rocks because it makes daily computer access simpler AND it keeps you growing.
These passwords are SUPER strong because they are a phrase and therefore harder to guess.
They fit the requirements for almost all passwords: uppercase and lowercase letters + numbers. (If the password requirement includes a special character, I just add an exclamation point.)
Now I know there are some of you out there saying,
“But you need different passwords for everything! What about the hackers?!”
Most people have been rotating the same, weak, name-of-their-pet, single-word passwords for YEARS.
This is a vast improvement.
When you use this phrase to sign in to your accounts over and over again all year, the repetition will start teaching your unconscious mind to actually DO what you’ve committed to for the year.
To trust yourself.
To love yourself.
To create.
To focus.
To heal.
This. Process. Works.
You may be thinking that it’s too early to be thinking about next year.
It’s not.
Now is the time to figure out your ONE area of growth for next year so you can start 2021 feeling ready to go.
To help you, I’m hosting a free workshop!
Here are the details:
What: Pick Your Word for 2021 Workshop
When: Tuesday, December 29th
Time: 6pm PST (9pm EST)
Where: Online on Zoom
Cost: Free!
I’ll walk you through the process of picking your word and help you effectively turn it into a phrase for the upcoming year.
It’ll be a fun, interactive hour and you’ll leave feeling like you've got one big thing READY for 2021.
You can even use that time to reset all of your passwords for the year and have that one thing done.
All people who attend will be entered to win a free 20-minute channeling session with me.
Also free!
It's the season of giving!
You've all been so good to me this year, I want to give something back to you!
So SIGN UP for the free workshop and encourage your friends to do the workshop with you! <3
Sending you cocoa and a cozy fire...
PS: The workshop is 100% free. Click here to come hang with me at the workshop! We’ll all be on Zoom together and it’ll be chill and awesome. You can drink tea or egg nog. You can introduce me to your pup or cat or pet bird.
It'll be community time (which I think we all need). If I haven't seen you in a while, I'd LOVE to see your face! If we've never met, oh my gosh then GET ON THIS CALL. I want to meet you! Okay? Do it. Sign up right now. Get your word of the year figured out AND hang out with me! Xoxo Rebecca*