The magic of inspiration portals

creativity inspiration spirit connection Jun 23, 2021

A few weeks ago, I was talking to one of my coaching clients about her week.

She mentioned that she’d started taking baths because they had become an inspiration portal for her work.

I immediately said, AN INSPIRATION PORTAL?!

(Isn’t that the BEST term ever?!)

She said she was considering getting a white board for the bath so she could keep up with the flow of ideas that came to her in that space.

I love everything about this.

Bath? Check. Inspiration? Check. Relaxing while you work? CHECK.

My clients are SO freaking clever.

[shout out to Sarah Snow for coining this term… she’s a writer and a brand new entrepreneur (and hilarious)… you can click here to support, connect, and follow her @sarahsnowwrites]

Her telling me this story made me realize that I have inspiration portals too!

I was taught by a mentor that when I do readings, to sit in the same chair and in the same spot every time.

It creates a kind of vortex of powerful connection with spirit.

The connection to guides and loved ones becomes stronger just by sitting in the same spot session after session.

She also said that her newbies would have more profound readings when THEY sat in her chair to give a practice reading.

She’d done readings in that same chair for YEARS.

Fascinating, right??

So let’s get back to this inspiration portal idea.

Where do you go to get into a place that connects you to Source?

Do you have a place?

I know that sitting by water can really help me to relax (and therefore) be more receptive to ideas coming in.

When I used to do choreography work, my workdays were SO full that the only time my brain got into a receptive state was juuuust as I was falling asleep.

Sure enough, creative ideas would flood my mind’s eye just as I was closing my eyes to rest for the night.

I would have to GET OUT OF BED and work out the section of that choreography piece that was coming through before I could sleep.

The ideas would not leave me alone.

Note: if your creativity flows strongest right before bed and it’s driving you crazy (because, hello, sleep) I recommend you create a specific time each day (even for twenty minutes) where you let yourself be still.

Make it in the same place where you can relax and be receptive.

Put the phone down, lock the kids out of the bedroom for a few minutes, turn off NPR or the TV or the podcast for a bit—just let yourself be there without expectations.

The first few times your brain may still click into to-do mode or processing mode.

Or you may just fall asleep if you’re (understandably) exhausted.

That’s okay.

Maybe—after 56 days of napping (again, BIG fan)— you could try a bath or a walk.

I used to have Zumba students tell me that their brain would be happily working away (in a good way!) solving problems and coming up with creative solutions WHILE they were dancing away at my class! I loved that!

Inspiration Portal!

If you’re feeling depleted, you might not be in a place to get anything to come through just yet.

In that case, I suggest you just focus on filling your own personal, energetic well with something inspiring that makes you feel good, bright, alive.

Again with the naps.

Or maybe just navel gazing. <<< also a big fan.

I fill my energetic well with beautiful Instagram reels.

I allow myself to watch 20-30 minutes of beauty a day and then I share the ones I like in my stories.

It makes my inner artist feel full and nourished and connected and like I’m making my own day and maybe someone else’s too.

It’s a lovely ritual and those reels feel like a different kind of an inspiration portal.

They take me to another place.

What’s the inspiration portal that works best for you?

The beach? Mountains? A good book? A particular piece of music played over and over again?

(That repetitive music one works for me. I must have listened to Passionfruit by Drake, 4,398 times.)

You think I’m kidding.

You most likely have a few that you use already.

See if you can find one portal this week and use it.

Notice what ideas come through for you.

If you feel like sharing your inspiration portal, email me! I’d love to hear about it!

In the meantime, I’m sending you a cool breeze for this summer heat…


PS: Keep an eye on your email. I’ve got a some workshops coming up that I know you’re going to LOVE! *grin* cue the EXCITED DANCE!

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