The link between anxiety & intuition
Aug 29, 2024
Hello lovey,
I was talking with a long term client of mine the other day.
She and I have been working on her really trusting her own knowing and following through on that knowing regardless of what anyone else says around her.
It’s been tough.
She had years of conditioning that kept her looking to an outside authority instead of trusting her intuition and doubling down on that.
It seemed that in her past, there was always at least one person around with a big personality a a set of big opinions.
Since she’s been working this life lesson of self trust, she often, before her recent breakthroughs, would run her life by committee.
Many of us do this.
When you don’t trust yourself, you begin asking this person and that person and the other person what they think of the situation you’re facing and the decision(s) you need to make.
It’s exhausting.
This past week she made a quantum leap in trusting herself and her own knowing.
And wouldn’t you know it, not only was her life much more effortless than normal (because she was living in an intuitive flow), but her anxiety was way, WAY lower than normal.
Well I think one of the reasons we have anxiety is because we’re wrestling with ourselves about SOMEthing.
When you’re operating from a place of grounded, intuitive knowing, you don’t really wrestle with yourself.
You know and you trust and things (sometimes shockingly) work out.
I’ve seen this happen with this client, with other clients and also in my own life.
When you are tapped into the energy of divine flow and guidance, there is a kind of deep calmness that comes over you.
There’s a sense of certainty, almost like you’ve got a cheat sheet on life, where you know where and how things are going to work out and you feel like you can stop worrying.
It’s such a relief.
If you’d like to call in more calmness, more knowing, more certainty and more connection to the divine, stay tuned for information on my Spiritual Meditation for Beginners and Intuitive Rockstar courses that are set up to be available in September.
You’ll want in on these trainings.
In the meantime, I highly, highly recommend you book a reading to get started on your journey.
You’ll get healing + guidance all in one hour.
There’s a reason why clients come back again and again (and again) to get more messages from their guides and next level healing.
Okay love, more next week!
PS: Have you joined the FB group? I want you to come hang out with me! You can join here.