The best way to stop being busy
Oct 24, 2024
Hello lovebug,
We’re talking about concepts around time and BUSY-ness this week.
Because y’all are too darn busy, that’s why?
(Sidenote: If you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “Um. I could use a little busy in my life,") I’ll have a tip for you further down. Keep reading.
Before I go any further, if you haven’t joined the Facebook group, hold everything and go do that now. I offer exclusive mini-trainings every Wednesday and we’re growing a community of people who get one another.
For example, we talked about how much the solar flares were affecting our energy and moods last week. Come join us!
Now, let’s talk about the one thing you can do to stop being so freaking busy all the time.
I’m talking about the smallest word with the greatest power…
"When you say no to someone else, you say yes to yourself” - Paulo Coelho
I hang my hat on that phrase all the time.
I used to have such a hard time with saying no; it physically pained me.
I thought I was letting the other person down.
I thought I was somehow being “bad” or irresponsible.
I thought I was going to get yelled at or get in trouble.
Saying no felt like conflict to me and conflict felt scary so to avoid any hint of a conflict, I would say yes.
I didn’t trust that if I said no that another opportunity would present itself (because I was operating from a scarcity mindset).
Can you see any or all of these internal struggles happening for you around saying no?
Here’s the really cool thing though: these are INTERNAL struggles.
These beliefs live inside you and therefore they can be changed.
I can hear some of you saying, “Well I’ve definitely said no to people and they’ve gotten mad at me!”
I think a good question to ask yourself is: “Is there a way I could have said no sooner so that expectations would have been a big more clear?”
And also: “Is this a person that I want to continue interacting with if they have such a big reaction to me doing what’s right for myself?”
Of course, there are nuances to these situations, but when I started becoming more comfortable with trusting myself to say no and yes when it felt right, I attracted more people who were compassionate with me when I needed to say no.
I also had compassion for them when they needed to say no.
When you look at your calendar and you feel too busy, there will be one or two (or three or four) things that you can absolutely say no to.
Maybe it’s just a no for this week.
Maybe it’s a no until next month.
Maybe it’s a no, period.
There are always things that can be canceled or rescheduled for the sake of your well-being.
And that is OKAY.
It is okay to center yourself.
In fact, I find that my life runs so much more smoothly, I’m a better partner, family member and friend when I do what is aligned for me.
It’s when I start centering others too much, that life gets wonky.
Again, when you are connected with people who are also living in alignment with what’s right for them, you will find this easier and easier.
Your assignment for this week
- Say no to one thing. Then say no to something else. Then say no to two more things.
- Breathe deeply. Trust that it will all be okay if you don’t do it all right now.
- Sign up for a free Emotion Code® session (available for October only) to clear out some of the emotions (e.g. guilt, worry, fear, worthlessness) that keep you from saying no when you really want to.
You can book your free session here (good for those who haven’t done Emotion Code® work with me in the past six months)
Yes. You can get some big shifts from clearing just five emotions.
You’ve got nothing to lose (except some of those emotional burdens).
Until next week,
PS: If you find that your life is not busy and you want it to be, it's time to start saying YES to more experiences. Yes to new friends. Yes to new things. Yes to being more positive and hopeful about the future. The answer for you is to say yes much, much more.