The 4 biz areas I’d emotionally clear

business Jun 17, 2024

Hello lovey,

Just a heads up that there will be another opportunity to apply for THREE spots in a business scholarship coming up in early July. 

The winner will get a full scholarship for the six months of business coaching.

Second place will get 20% off of the full price.

Third place will get 10% off of the full price. 

This opportunity will be available to clients who I haven’t worked with in 2024 so if that’s you—get ready. 

Like I said, the application process is coming in early July. 🙂

Now, let’s talk about the areas I would clear if I was starting over in business.

I’ve been in business for… gosh, SO FREAKING LONG now. 

Over fifteen years.

And when I started I was, um, enthusiastic? 

And also overwhelmed and terrified and conflicted. 

Really awesome combo, lemmetellya. 

I could barely even talk to anyone about what I did when I first started doing energy work in my early thirties.

Then I started a Zumba® business and I would lead my classes (with no mirrors) with my back to the class.


Thank goodness my early students stuck with me and got me to—eventually—turn around and face them. (jeesh!)

Looking back, I needed some real support internally so that I could show up more confidently and effectively externally

Here are the areas I would have worked on if I had a time machine and could go back to then…

  1. Consistency. Consistency can feel so boring and restrictive—especially for those of us with a high need for variety and freedom. HOWEVER, once you get the hang of consistency, you realize that consistency is THE THING that will allow you to experience the MOST variety, the MOST freedom and the MOST success. So yes, I would have cleared as many emotions around consistency as possible right out of the gate.
  2. Visibility. Visibility can be so tricky in the beginning of a new business. You need to show up and show up and show up again. You need to get in front of other people’s audiences. You need to get on social media. You need to network. It can feel like a lot especially early on so clearing as many emotions as possible around this topic would be crucial.
  3. Confidence. If you’re not sold on yourself and what you do, then no one will be sold on you either. It takes guts to show up and say you know what you’re talking about. It takes courage to claim your place in the world as an authority on your subject matter. And confidence has a vibration that you can feel. People trust a confident leader much more than one who is sending out a frequency of uncertainty, doubt or worry. 
  4. Worthiness. I work with some rockstar women in my business and the thing we are ALWAYS addressing is their own worth. Worthiness shows up in how you price your offers, how much time you spend with clients, whether you feel like your message is important, and your MINDSET about everything really. If you don’t value yourself and what you have to provide your community, then why would anyone else?

So many coaches focus on strategy, productivity, marketing, sales and those things are hugely important.

However, if your business is a garden, strategy, productivity, marketing and sales are the plants you nestle into the soil.

The soil, however, is how you THINK and FEEL.

If you have crappy soil, I don’t care how good your plants are, they won’t grow to the levels you really want them to.

You’ve got to nourish the soil and THEN get then focus on the plants you want to grow. 

The soil (how you think and feel) can’t be an afterthought.

The way we tend to the soil of your garden (aka, your mindset) is to clear the trapped emotions that are keeping you from moving into a more successful future with your business.

If you're struggling with any of the four big areas I would clear if I started over (consistency, visibility, confidence, worthiness) OR with some other big areas, let's talk. I'd love to help you grow a business that really thrives.

I’d love to help you identify the key areas that are keeping your business from reaching its full potential. :)


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