The 4,346 mile marathon

coping skills spiritual coaching Jan 20, 2021

You know how usually the beginning of the year has a flush of fresh energy about it?


This year feels like we’ve barely crossed the finish line of 2020. 

2020… the 4,346-mile marathon.

Now I’ve never run a marathon before.

However, I understand getting through long and trying periods.

I’ve been through cancer treatment, painful break-ups, financial anguish, excruciating waiting periods. 

And there’s always a point where you feel like you can’t possibly go any further. 

You hit a wall. 

There’s something about the last few week’s events that seem to feel like the equivalent of mentally hitting the wall of the last ten months.

I don’t know what it is, but everywhere I turn, it seems like people are feeling it.

So—here’s what I know about hitting the wall and how to get past it: 

  1. The wall is uncomfortable. For you, the wall may feel like emptiness, numbness, loneliness, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, lethargy, stuckness, nothingness, but whatever the feeling—or lack of feeling is—it doesn’t feel good.

  2. It will pass. I cringe when I’m going through a tough time and some well-meaning person assures me that “it will pass...” so please forgive me for sayig so, but it is the truth. When sitting zombie-eyed staring at the wall, you just have to get through it. Things will shift. It will pass.

  3. Notice if you’re resisting the wall. If you are, surrender. This is the tricky bit. If you feel like you’ve been trying to keep it all together, it may be time to let yourself fall apart. If you feel like you’ve been stifling your anger, it may be time to scream. If you feel like you’ve been numbing out, it may be time to let yourself feel. If you feel like you keep trying to keep a smile on your face, it may be time to see what you're feeling underneath that smile.

  4. It’s okay to rest and not push. I often think of the Nap Ministry's advice (follow @napministry on Instagram) when I find that I’m pushing myself too hard. Sometimes hitting the wall means that we desperately need a good rest. It may be time to allow yourself to stop pushing and just be. We all need a chance to recover from everything we’ve been through.

If you’re feeling like you’ve hit the wall or if you feel like you’ve hit wall after wall, I see you. 

Be easy with yourself.
Be kind to yourself.
And remember that you are bigger and more resilient than any wall.

Sending you a big hug,

PS: If you’ve been hitting wall after wall, I’d love to help you. Check out my Divine Path series. Questions if this series is for you? Reply to this email and we’ll set up a time to talk. xoxo Rebecca*

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