The #1 way you’re making your life harder (and how to stop)

habits intuition spiritual coaching Oct 21, 2020

Have you ever met someone who told you that they KNEW when they walked down the aisle on their wedding day that they were making a huge mistake?

Did you know them through their expensive divorce too?

Did you ever hear a story about someone who agreed to go into business with a partner that they knew wasn’t quite the right fit, but they ignored that inkling and did it anyway?

Did you know them when they ended up in court with that person fighting for the rights to their company?

Have you ever known someone who agreed to take a trip they were hesitant about and then regretted that choice immediately?

Do you remember when they Facetimed you from their hotel room utterly miserable?

Do you know that ALL of these situations were highly AVOIDABLE?

They were.

Intuition, whether in the form of a feeling in the gut, a quiet inner whispering, or a solid knowing, was trying to steer each of these people in the right direction before they made these decisions—but they ignored that feeling, whisper, knowing.

And then life got hard.

WAY harder than it needed to be.

When you ignore your intuition, you immediately sign up for more heartache, more financial trouble, higher dissatisfaction in relationships, and less flow throughout your day.

You increase the stress levels of you and everyone around you because you’re not in alignment.

You waste your time, money, and your potential happiness.

It's kind of a big deal.

Do you know what people say when I ask them why they didn’t listen to their intuition right off the bat and make a different choice?

“I guess I didn’t trust myself.”


Not trusting yourself is THE THING that can potentially make your life harder every day.

If you don’t trust yourself, you won’t have the mettle to speak up and say, “Hey, I’m not exactly sure why, but this doesn’t feel quite right to me. I need to take a step back and re-evaluate.”

The truth is, sometimes we don’t know why something isn’t right for us because the reasons haven’t emerged yet.

Our spidey-senses warn us through our bodies, we just need to have the training and then the courage to admit that truth to ourselves and others.

Speaking of training, I’m working on a mini-course that will help you start learning to trust yourself.

This mini-course is a crucial component of what I do for my one on one clients, but I’ve put it into a shorter DIY format so that you can get the benefit of what I’m teaching them.

If you want to be the first to know when it’s ready, add your name to the NOTIFY ME list here.

Self-trust is THE thing that makes your life smoother, lighter, and more beautiful.

Self-trust puts you squarely on path and helps you stay there.

Self-trust helps you steer your life in a direction that FEELS right, instead of just feeling like you're wandering aimlessly through the wilderness.

If you're having difficulty with trusting yourself to make decisions or follow through on making changes in your life, click here and get on this list, love.

You'll be so glad you did. Sending you the MOST self-assured week,


PS: Did you take action to get on the list? Honeypie. Take one little action to make your life easier. There's no obligation to buy it, you'll just know when it's first available. AND—I know that this course will really help you. I'm super psyched about it. Now go get on that list! xoxo Rebecca*

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