The #1 way to stick to your dreams

dream life life coaching self care strategy Apr 27, 2021

Have you ever been super excited about doing something?

You get this magical IDEA.

Either you download it from your guides or it comes to you in a vision in meditation or it bubbles up from your heart while you’re walking your dog...

And you think…

Oh my gosh — YES!

THAT’S what I want to do!

You feel elated!


You’re so PUMPED to take action that you pick up your phone and you dial someone who you really love.

They pick up the phone and you POUR your heart out to them.

You wait eagerly for their enthusiastic response and they say,

“You know… that’s going to cost a lot of money.”


“Are you sure you really want to quit your job?”


“Wait… you want to do what? That sounds kinda risky, don’t you think?”

*cue immediate deflation*

Suddenly you start questioning your great idea.

“He’s probably right,” you find yourself saying…

“I probably should wait until I have some more money in the bank…”

“It’s probably is too risky to sell my stuff and move to Bali for a year....”

“That’s irresponsible of me…”

“What would I do when I get back?”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“I’ll be screwed…”

“I better just stay put…”

Have you experienced this conversation?

I have.

To be perfectly honest, I’m sure I’ve been on *both* sides of this conversation.

I’ve been an accidental and unintentional dream killer.

We (most likely) all have.

It’s okay. We’re all learning.

Here’s the thing I want you to know.

Now listen close because I want you to get this in your bones.

Not everyone is going to get your dream.

In fact, many people will not get it.


So rule #1 to stick to your dreams is this:

Be VERY CAREFUL who you tell about your dreams.

Especially in the beginning when you’re just starting to take action on it.


Protect your dreams, y’all.

Treat your dream, idea, vision like the sweet little baby sprout that it is.

Plant it in your most precious pot.

Put it somewhere safe.

Water it.

Nurture it.

Let it grow until it’s strong enough to be exposed to the elements of other people’s opinions, fears, and skepticism.

When you expose your dream to too many people or to the wrong people too soon, that little spout will be crushed under the weight of their reckless doubt and negativity.

We don’t want that.

If you absolutely *must* tell someone about your dream, make sure it’s someone you trust.


Make sure you set up some expectations before you share it.

For example, you could say this:

“So look, I’m going to tell you something and I ONLY want encouragement and joy about it please. If you don’t think you can do that, tell me now and I’ll talk to someone else about it.”

(Feel free to use that phrase for your own conversations.)


You can say these things to your loved ones.

After you’ve got their positive, loving buy-in, THEN you tell them.

After you’ve got their support? Get back to working on your dream.

Keep it quiet, but keep at it.

Stick to it.

Let it grow strong.

Grow your confidence in your ability to achieve it.

And THEN share it with wider and wider circles.


Pinkie swear?



Now go get to it lovey!


Before you go…

My Intuitive Rockstars are doing a free coaching session with me this Saturday about their intuition, how it comes through for each of them, and how to trust it more.

I’ve gotten SUCH incredible feedback about this course, I’m so psyched to share it again in a few months.

The course is currently closed, so if you’re not on the list to get notified yet, you can get on the list here.

If you didn’t get it last time, I don’t want you to miss out this time!

That’s all for this week.

Sending you and your dreams so much love,


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