Ready to really value yourself?
Oct 31, 2024
Hey love.
You one hundred percent have to read this in its entirety.
You didn’t know I could be bossy, but whoo boy… I CAN.
Why do you need to read this?
Well, because I’ve talked to and/or worked with many of you and some of you I’ve just met (HI!) and honey.
You don’t think you’re worth very much at all.
And it’s creeping into
Now some of you may be saying…
“Psh. Woman. You’re wrong! I value myself! I get my nails done!” “Look at my new, cute shoes!” “I walk around with confidence. I’m good.”
That’s fantastic.
I coined that phrase thankyouverymuch. You may quote me.
Nails? Check!
Cute new things? Check!
Poise? Check!
Or if those aren’t your fun things they might be:
New backpacking gear? Check!
Tickets to Lizzo? Check!
Buying the really good olive oil? Check!
You know what I mean.
All those I treat myself items are in a zone of worthiness that you are currently comfy in.
What if I said to you, “OKAY. Let’s expand your zone! Let’s break through your worthiness ceiling!”
Then things get real… mmm… shall we say… squirmy.
See which of these examples, if any, start to bump up against feelings of worthlessness, guilt, selfishness, shame, not-feeling-deserving-of, – or just overall discomfort.
Are you ready?
- Let’s do this.
Examples that may be outside of your worthiness comfort zone:
- Saying no to a friend who drains your energy (because you are worthy of that time and space) – YES I SAID IT.
- Saying yes to offer for your sweetie to make your dinner, do the dishes, rub your feet, and wash your hair
- Spending $2500 on a trip to a dream destination trip that you go on without the kids – YES BY YOURSELF.
- Going on sabbatical from your high demanding job – I’m talking SIX MONTHS y’all
- Going traveling and buying something for yourself and not bringing home gifts for anyone else – Because you don’t want to
- Taking a day off in the middle of the week because you didn’t sleep well or because YOU FEEL LIKE IT
- Not calling a draining family member back because you’re tapped out
- Investing $3k or more in your own healing and growth…
- Buying high thread count sheets – Because you DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD
- Hiring someone to organize, pack and move your belongings from your old place to your new place while you go to the beach – You don’t have to move yourself! (hat tip to Rachel Rodgers for modeling this awesome idea)
- Getting a really good house cleaner and having them come once a week – Because you are TIRED of cleaning UP after EVERYONE ELSE
- Moving to a new city, state, or country because you’ve outgrown your old city, state, or country – Just like that
- Taking time every day to work on your art – Because your ART is IMPORTANT
- Not having sex with your partner if you don’t want to and (not feeling bad about it) – I cannot stress this one enough
- Spending a weekend curled up with an incredible book – Why not?
- Allowing yourself to be treated to a lavish weekend by someone else
- Not feeling guilty when you don’t pick up the pieces for someone else’s choices – YO. THIS ONE RIGHT HERE.
OK… what stuck out to you?
Which ones made you say, “OMG… I could NEVER… “
Or is it “I would never…” ?
Because you absolutely could. You can. You’re just not doing those things.
What was like, “Um… yeah. I won’t be doing any of that thank you!” from the list above?
Did it involve saying no?
Did it involve taking time for yourself?
Did it involve spending money or a certain amount of money that felt like too much of a stretch?
Check in with yourself this week and see where and how your worthiness comfort zone in little ways and bigger ways.
We ALL need some healing and growth in this area.
If you want to get a glimpse at the incredible process of the Emotion Code that I do with folks every day, you’ve gotta get in on an Intro session.
It’s a 30 minute glimpse into just HOW MUCH JUNK you’ve been holding onto and just HOW MUCH BETTER your life could be without it.
You’re down to the last day to clear five trapped emotions for FREE, babe, so you best jump on it and tell your friends!
In the meantime, be good to yourself and I’ll see you next week!
PS: Have questions about the emotion code process and want to know what it can do for you? Just reply to this email. <3