One parent driving you crazy?

Sep 30, 2024

Hello lovey,


We love them.

We get annoyed by them.

And they could say, “Kids…  love ‘em and they’re incredibly annoying at times too.”


I don’t think there’s a relationship where you don’t have both at least some of the time.

We’re human!

We get a range of feelings with our loved ones. 

But what about when you have one parent who’s really driving you UP the wall?

(just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about an abusive dynamic)

What the heck do you do with that situation?

Well, in my experience, the best way is always to work on YOU.

Now before you roll your eyes at me… (lol), hear me out.

If you’re frustrated or annoyed with a parent, chances are that they’re reflecting one of your sub-personalities. 


That sub-personality could be a bit irresponsible or have a short fuse or have a terrible memory for important things or be emotionally numb.

And maybe you don’t really like that aspect of the WHOLE of you. 

And so it gets shooed away into a corner to fend for itself. 

(in your mind… these are sub-personalities after all)

But then, lucky you! That part of you that you’ve disowned is SHOWING UP in a parent.


And now you have to interact with it while simultaneously not liking that aspect of yourself.

Dealing with that parent can be like standing in an echo chamber of the parts of yourself you don’t like.

When this happens we tend to say, “Uch. My dad is driving me bananas. Why can’t he just do X?!”

Or we say, “My mom refuses to do Y and it would make her life so much easier if she did!”

And the aggravation builds and builds and builds.

But when it comes down to it, it’s you sweetie. 

Your world is all you.

Talk about an empowering realization, right?

If the people you’re interacting with, a parent or someone else, are making you feel a kind of way, the next step is to go INWARD and figure out what part of you has been cast aside and could use some unconditional love, acceptance and validation.

Then you bring that part of you in front of yourself (in your mind) and love it. Wholly. With your full heart.

Our job on this earth is to love, accept, approve of, appreciate and validate ourselves—all parts of ourselves—all day, every day. 

I know some of you will want to immediately poke holes in that statement with “What if we do something REALLY bad? Or what if we did something really bad in the past?”

Okay. So you made a mistake. 

We all make mistakes. 

Forgive yourself. 

Ask for forgiveness from others. 

Promise to learn from the experience. 

Then invite waves of love, acceptance, approval, sweetness, kindness, divine light and even more forgiveness to wash over you.

Once something is done, it’s done. 

See what you can do to make it right or make things better.

And then move on mentally surrounding yourself with light. 

We’ve gotten away from the original topic of your aggravating parent, so I’m going to bring it back, but there’s a theme here.

Can you forgive them for what they’ve done in the past? 

The mistakes they’ve made?

For the way they couldn’t be the parent you needed?

And can you forgive the past version of you who maybe didn’t have the skills or safety or awareness or wisdom to ask for something different from your parents? To set a boundary? To be empowered in a situation?

Can you sense the subtle softness that wants to come in around your heart?

Now listen. These kinds of questions can pull up big feelings. 

You can choose to do forgiveness work or you can say no thank you.

It’s your world. 

I have noticed some big relief in my clients when they choose to dissolve some of the hard emotions sitting in and around their hearts.

There’s room to feel again. 

I will also say this: sometimes there’s too much water under the bridge with a parent to do forgiveness work on your own.

The Emotion Code® is an incredible tool for healing pain with a parent. 



Because as you release the trapped emotions in you, you sometimes release the trapped emotions in them, too.

And then you can both be free to start a new wave of your relationship. 

It happens with my clients all the time. 

It’s amazing.

If you’d like to check out what an Emotion Code® session is like, I’m offering something special for October (because it’s my birthday month). 

You can clear five emotions for free by clicking here

You can also clear five emotions for free if you haven’t worked with me in the past six months or more. 

Click here to book your time and see what this modality can do for you and ALL your relationships.

I can’t wait to see what we can get moving for you,


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