November 3rd Self Care Edition

coping skills self care Nov 03, 2020

Hello love.

Yes, I know it’s Tuesday and I normally send my posts out to you on Wednesday, but I felt that sharing this information would be more useful today than tomorrow.

I’ve written a number of blog posts over the past (crazy) year that I think will help you today.

If you've read them all, great!

A+plus for you, cutie.

Even so, I’m encouraging you to scroll down and pick one that feels like something you need to read again and read it again.

Glean something new from it.

These posts are chock full of ways to help yourself tonight and over the next week so there’s plenty to read again and get help from.

If you haven’t read them and you’re feeling like, whoa…. that’s a lot of posts to read, yo! No stress, doll.

I’ve put them in an order that I think will be most helpful to you.

You can go through them one by one and get some tips and techniques to help yourself from each one.

Here’s what I DO know, though, love.

Whatever happens over the coming days, WE WILL HANDLE IT.

We are safe.

We are protected by Divine Light.

We are resilient.

We are resourceful.

We are amazing.

We will succeed.

I know that deep in my bones.

And I’m a professional psychic medium… so... ya know. Trust me. ;)


Here are all the posts I think will help you right now.

PLEASE SHARE this email with people you think might benefit from it.

I'll be back again this week with some updates from me.

In the meantime, be sweet to yourself and one another.

And have faith. xoxo Rebecca*

Self-care posts:

Waiting: How to make it easier and less painful

What to do when everything feels uncertain

How to Stay Informed and Stay Sane

How to Create Coping Systems for Facing World Events

How to Rewire your doom and gloom thoughts

How to protect your magic during a revolution

PS: No matter what, we are resilient and we will handle it. <3

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