Is that fear or intuition talking?
Aug 20, 2024
Hey lovebug,
A quick heads up: The Spiritual Meditation for Beginners course was such a RAVING success (I loved teaching it, the participants loved learning, even my online business manager—who took the course to help me out—was shocked at how much she got out of it)... that I will be teaching the NEXT LEVEL of this course, Intuitive Rockstar, beginning Monday, September 30th.
(Those of you who took the original version of Intuitive Rockstar a few years ago: this course is different and much more advanced.)
In order to take this course, you will need to have completed all lessons in the Spiritual Meditation for Beginners course.
I will be offering a home study course of Spiritual Meditation for Beginners available very soon. You can complete that course on your own and then begin the next level LIVE with me on September 30th.
Think over what you want to do. Reply to this email with any questions.
Let’s talk about what all these courses are geared towards: amplifying and trusting your intuitive powers.
One of the questions I get a lot is:
“Hey Rebecca. I got a flash of something scary in my future. Is that my intuition or my fear talking?"
It’s such a good question.
Here’s my take on it:
Intuition is quick and insistent.
Fear can build from your thoughts and fears and grow and plant intrusive (frightening) scenarios in your mind.
Let me give you some examples from my life:
Intuition: I woke up last Wednesday and had a flash of my sister’s partner walking around in labor. Two hours later I got a confirmation text that they were, in fact, at the hospital in labor. It was a quick, unemotional image that flashed in my brain the minute I opened my eyes. There was zero thought beforehand. That's intuition.
Fear: I’m walking my dog and thinking about my niece, wondering what she’s up to that day because she and my sister and her partner recently moved to Alaska. I adore my family and my niece is such a little light in the world. I suddenly get a sinking feeling that something terrible is going to happen to her. That’s not intuition; that’s fear taking over. Joy can be vulnerable and our bodies can be unaccustomed to unmitigated joy. Fear is one of the body’s mechanisms to keep you in your comfort zone of how much joy you can manage. When this happens, I put a bit red X over the fear-based image or thought and then immediately envision the positive opposite. (See how the fear built up after I was in a positive space thinking about my niece? It didn’t come out of nowhere. It cascaded out of my brain TO PROTECT ME after I’d been thinking about her for a while.)
Intuition: I recently started dating again. I matched with this seemingly nice guy and started chatting with him via text. On day one of texting him, my stomach and heart immediately felt heavy with this sense of dread. The feeling came out of nowhere and wasn’t based on anything he’d said; it was an “irrational” feeling. It didn’t take long for me to cut off contact with him because he kept double booking our dates, making me do the emotional labor of keeping track of our plans (that never came to fruition) and just felt wildly disrespectful overall. I knew I should avoid him. My body knew ON DAY ONE without even really knowing this guy. That’s intuition.
Fear: Another example from the dating world, I matched with a really sweet, cute guy who I’m actually beginning to like. My brain keeps doing the “What if?” game with him (because, you know, trauma, and also—horror stories on TikTok). “What if he doesn’t actually like me?” “What if he secretly has a family?” “What if the other shoe drops?” Blah blah blah blaaaaaaah… that’s FEAR. If you’ve got a long standing fear about something or you’re working to grow in a certain area, the what-ifs can try to trick you into thinking you’re intuit-ing something. But you’re not. It's fear talking.
Those are examples from my life. Can you think back on some examples from YOUR life?
Where did your intuition come in quietly (and often irrationally) and then you looked back and thought, “Man. I KNEW THAT!”
Where did your fears pop up again and again and then you looked back and thought “Well. I guess I was freaking out for nothing.”
Even one or two examples from your past can give you clues as to how your particular intuitive abilities work.
When you start to really suss out what is intuition and what is fear, it can make your life so much more peaceful, calm and wondrous (because things just MAGICALLY start to flow and because you just KNOW what to do next).
If you find this topic interesting and you’re wondering about your intuitive abilities (you definitely have them!), stay tuned. I’ll be sharing info on the next round of upcoming course offerings (for Spiritual Meditation for Beginners and Intuitive Rockstar) in the coming weeks.
If you want to jump the line and find out more about your particular intuitive path now, I HIGHLY recommend a psychic medium reading.
You will still need to follow the course progression that I outlined above, but you’ll have such a leg up on the right timing for your next steps spiritually.
You can book a psychic medium reading here.
I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you uncover your unique abilities. It's SO cool when you start to really get it.
Trust me. ;)