Intuition makes EVERYthing easier
Sep 05, 2024
Hiya lovebug,
It may feel like a bit of a stretch to think that your intuition could help guide your life to the point of creating a surprising amount of ease and flow… but it’s the absolute truth.
Here’s what it’s like to be deeply tuned into your intuition:
- My alarm goes off at 5:45am. I wake up and hear a voice in my head saying, “You need more sleep. 30 minutes.” I set my timer for 30 more minutes and drop back into bed.
- I get up feeling rested and do my normal routine: meditation, review my goals, and workout. I have a handy person coming over this morning to drop off some lumber. My inner voice says, “You have twenty minutes before he arrives” - even though he was supposed to be there at 7am and it’s 6:55am, I know he’s going to be late. I shower, get dressed and as I start making breakfast, I hear him knocking at my door. It’s 7:25am. Right on my intuitive schedule.
- Later that day, I know I need to work at a coffee shop. Pro tip: sometimes being in a space with other focused people can help you to focus. I saw the sign for “Rain or Shine” coffee in my head the day before. I meet a friend for a meeting that morning and “randomly” see the words -rain or shine- in the window of a storefront. (Another nod to go there.) I finish my meeting and realize that I’m only 3 miles away from THE coffee shop I’ve been getting signs to go. I go and work there for two hours, getting more done in that time than I’ve gotten done all week. Intuitive WIN.
- I’m running late for a meeting. I dislike being late so much. I start feeling panicked and flustered and worried about traffic and parking and my client being upset for having to wait. I hear a voice tell me, “They’re running five minutes behind as well. It will work out perfectly.” We meet up and they thank me because the late timing worked out perfectly for them.
This is my life all day, every day.
I get snippets of information that help me to be calm, stay grounded, make smarter decisions and live a much more peaceful and orderly life.
I know most people aren’t walking around thinking, “You know what I need?! An orderly life.”
Except they kind of are thinking that on some level.
Have you ever said, “Man. I need to get my sh*t together!”
Welp. That, my dear one, is craving order.
Did you ever read The Artist’s Way? (SUCH a good book)
In it, Julia Cameron talks about God being Good Orderly Direction.
I had forgotten that Good Orderly Direction is a term used in Alcoholics Anonymous for folks who have an aversion to the word or the idea of God. (which I get… to each their own…)
The way I see it is that when we are tuned into the higher workings of spirit and the Universe, things FLOW in an orderly and synchronistically MAGICAL way.
There is good orderly direction when we are deeply in tune with spirit, with God, if you like that term (which I do).
Intuition is a direct link to the greater order of the Universe, to God.
When we go against our intuition, however, well you know what happens.
EVerything gets harder.
I’m not talking about feeling resistance and not wanting to do something; that’s a different thing entirely.
I’m talking about KNOWING what you need to do and consciously choosing not to do that thing.
Whoooo life gets SO HARD.
So! What do you do with this new knowledge?
You train up your intuition.
How do you do that?
You can start meditating on your own. EVERY single intuition teacher (who's worth their salt) will bring you back to meditating. It's the cornerstone of intuition.
You can slowly start paying attention to when and how your intuition comes through. Begin to connect the dots, even when you have a hit and don't follow it, that's STILL helpful.
You can begin to consciously notice where you KNEW something was going to happen and you dismissed it. (If that's happening a lot, btw, then you're intuition is ripe for more training.)
You can go it alone (like I did) and kind feel your way through the dark. You can absolutely do this—I did!—But it will take time and effort and discipline and wow it can be slow and frustrating.
Or — you can check out the Spiritual Meditation for Beginners at home course.
I will be offering it live again starting September 30th, but if you already know that your schedule own't allow you to show up M-F in the mornings to take this class, the home study course is the right next step for you.
Click here to get the at-home study course.
(Important FYI: You will need to complete this course in order to go on to level 2: Intuitive Rockstar. Think of it like a prerequisite for college classes. One absolutely builds on the other.)
Spiritual Meditation for Beginners is the 101 intuition training class.
Intuitive Rockstar is the 201 class. 🙂
If you want your life to get easier, I HIGHLY recommend you check out either the at home or the live course.
It’s going to change your life in such a magical way.
Questions? Reply to this email. I’m happy to answer all of them. 🙂