How to stop putting your life (and dreams) on hold

Oct 07, 2020

Now listen.

I know that in MANY ways life is indeed on hold.

Americans are on a travel lockdown.

If you’re being responsible (you are, right?), that means you’re not going to parties or big social events.

Annual events that we would have been getting excited about are indefinitely canceled.

Life is, ya know, super weird. … and how the HECK would anyone keep moving forward with their life when LIFE IS JUST SO UNPREDICTABLE RIGHT NOW??? (!!!?)

Well, my love.

I have some awesome news for you.

Now is actually the perfect time for you to start going for your dreams.

Say whuuuuut.

No, I’m serious!

Hear me out.

Think about a couple of your dreams for a moment.

Dreams that involve you BEING or DOING something you've always wanted to BE or DO.

“Even my travel dreams?”

I hear you saying.

Yes, love.

Even your travel dreams.

Here are some examples of dreams I hear people talk about in passing:

  • Learning to play the piano

  • Becoming fluent in Spanish.

  • Learning how to backpack.

  • Going down a pant size or two.

  • Getting back into meditating.

  • Learning to code.

  • Writing that novel.

  • Learning to cook.

  • Taking an ancestral trip somewhere in the world.

You know what’s so cool about all of these things?

You can do them despite COVID, despite insane politics, despite the world not being normal.

I can hear you saying to me:

"I can’t really take an ancestral trip right now! Other countries aren't exactly letting Americans in..."

Here’s my response: Canada and the EU yes, but others are letting folks travel.

Check out this list.

Or if you have your heart SET on Italy or Greece, you can still dream and research and plan and save for it.

Can’t you?

You sure can.

One of the things that spur humans onward is PROGRESS. (Hat tip to Tony Robbins for that nugget of knowledge).

We need to be progressing is SOME area of our life to feel really good.

To feel fully alive!

Otherwise, life can feel stale, small, and boring.

So, okay, we can’t go to the basketball game or have a big potluck dinner party or go to a big Zumba party event or hug all of our friends.

But love, this will not last forever.

Why not actively start working on your dreams in the meantime?

Want some help?


*rolls up sleeves*

*claps and rubs hands together*

Let's do this!

1. Start with your WHY.

What's driving you to fulfill this dream? For me, new and memorable experiences that center around love and connection are what motivate me. I fulfilled the dream of traveling to our ancestral countries with my Mom and Dad individually back in 2018. I made it happen because it checked those boxes for me. You can take the quiz to find out what drives you most here.

2. Now, check the size of your dream? Is it too big (for starters)? Or too small (and therefore, not motivating)?

The way you can tell if a dream is too big (for where you are right now) is if it paralyzes you. If you can't even google information about it, then you probably need to scale it back—just for now—and start with a dream that will LEAD to that dream. If you don't feel that flutter of excitement, it's probably too small or not in line with what really drives you.

3. Put it on your vision board and put your vision board in view.

You can make a digital one (I have my vision board for 2020 as my desktop picture) AND I also recommend you draw it. Stick figures are fine. Be specific with your dream. You want a partner? Put it on there. You want to go traveling? Put the countries on there. You want to quit your job and start homesteading? You want to get pregnant? You want to start beekeeping? PUT. IT. ON. THERE.

4. Go for one dream at a time.

This is something I've been playing around with lately. I have a big and interesting life and so I have big and interesting dreams, but it can be hard to manage all of them at once. If you focus on one dream at a time, you can give all of your time and attention to THAT one dream instead of dissipating your energy across a slew of dreams. Start with the one that you feel easily driven to go for the most Maybe it's a new relationship. Maybe it's your health. Maybe it's a career change. There's usually one that, if it's fulfilled, will make all other areas of your life easier and more dreamy. Focus on that one first.

5. Start to obsess.

I'm serious about this. Make use of Google. Read blogs. Watch videos. Follow folks on Instagram. Listen to podcasts. Do ALL the things related to your one BIG dream. If you're a chronic worrier, I want you to start channeling all of that magnificent energy you put towards worrying into making your life epic instead. Take that natural obsessive charm of yours and use it for good.

6. Take action that makes your heart race a little.

I'm not talking freak out central here, I'm talking a bit outside of your comfort zone. Action + action + action = dream fulfillment. No seriously. It does.

You can DO these things now even during Covid.

You can.

I promise you.

You have the time.

In fact, you probably have MORE TIME now than when you were filling it with happy hours and birthday parties and soccer games and parenting groups and concerts and playdates.


All that stuff is, admittedly, pretty fun and enjoyable, but it can sometimes be used as a distraction from what you really want in life.

And, pre-Covid, those distractions were endless.

Is it any wonder that you didn’t feel fulfilled?

jusssst sayin...

So…… here we are.

Already into the last quarter of this year and only months away from 2021.

Do you just want to get through 2021 or do you want to start BEING the person you’ve always wanted to be and DOING the things you've always wanted to do?

Want to take some action right now?

Email me and tell me THE THING you've always dreamed of doing.

I sincerely want to hear what it is, so please tell me.

Sending you that flutter of excitement about your dreams plus a little (loving) kick in the pants to take some action.

Big, excited hugs,


PS: My Transformational Your Truest Self 6 month program is set up to help you KNOW yourself, TRUST yourself, LIKE yourself, and then GO for what you really want in life. Want to get a jumpstart on 2021? Email me and we'll talk about how I can help you be the person you've always wanted to be. Don't wait. xoxo Rebecca*

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