How to get your life on track (Part Three)
Dec 23, 2024Hello love,
In preparation for 2025 and the collective RESET that many of us do with the mark of a new year, I’ve spent the last two weeks talking about how to get your life on track.
It’s a bit of an alternative guide to getting into alignment with your soul’s path.
If you missed it and want to get caught up, here’s week one where I talked about the importance of getting into integrity with what’s right for you.
In week two, you can read that post here, I talked about ditching the pro/con lists and using your intuition to really dig into what’s right for you.
And that brings us to week three… the third component for getting your life on track.
<< **whispers**… do you know what it is? >>
Okay I’ll tell you.
The third component to getting your life on track is courage.
Um. Did I just hear you groan?
I’m pretty sure you groaned when you read the word courage.
Listen babe.
We are doing the FULL BODIED LIVING thing here…
We are not doing the sleepwalk through life thing…
So… let’s talk about courage, shall we?
(I’ll even give you a few tips to make being courageous a bit easier. I promise.)
Real quick first!
To review the steps to start getting your life on track (a.k.a in alignment):
Step one… keep asking yourself what is in integrity for you in your life in different situations.
Step two… if you don’t get a clear answer, avoid the pro/con list and tap into your intuition instead.
And now we’re to step three… start being brave.
But here’s the cool part:
I want you to start being brave and just INCH TOWARDS INTEGRITY.
That’s easier, right?
Just inchworm it.
It will still take courage, yes, but inching towards something new enables your nervous system a bit more safety while you transition into alignment.
Make sense?
Now let me give you an example:
You intuitively realize that you are feeling out of integrity when it comes to how you manage your money.
You’re buying more than you’d like on Amazon and maybe spending a bit too much on things that you’ve determined you don’t really need.
You intuitively know that things need to shift.
The first way you could inch closer to integrity is to admit that you’re shopping when you’re feeling a certain way: maybe lonely, or sad, or overwhelmed.
Or maybe you tend to shop a lot when you get high.
Or maybe you shop as a way to get an adrenaline rush because you’re feeling stuck in your life.
Can you be curious about what is actually going on there?
Another way you could be brave is to bring up what you’ve noticed about shopping to a dear one you trust - specifically someone who will not shame you:
Your partner
Your bestie
Your sibling
Your parent
Your coach
Then maybe you could bring it up to your therapist. (Or maybe your therapist first…)
Do you see how you’re being super courageous by admitting to yourself and others what’s going on?
Heck yes.
Then, maybe if you’re still feeling courageous, you could ask for support or help.
You could join a support group if the shopping feels compulsive.
You could put your credit card on ice. (Freeze that sucker so you can’t get to it when you’re high.)
You could journal about the feelings of loneliness or sadness or overwhelm.
These are all BRAVE STEPS.
Every one of these steps is a courageous one that gets you closer to being in integrity.
And then, as you feel braver and more supported, perhaps you take another step like making a budget, or doing some tapping on the topic, or maybe figuring out what’s underneath that need to shop?
Not too scary or too stressful, right?
You can do it.
And once you start doing this work in one area, it’s MUCH easier to start adjusting towards integrity in another area.
Doing trapped emotion clearing is one of the ways I help people fast track change in their life AND get massively into alignment with what’s really true for them.
If you haven’t done any Emotion Code® work with me yet, I highly recommend an intro session.
Sometimes you need to experience these things firsthand to see how awesomely powerful it is.
You can book an intro session here.
In the meantime, remember - meaningful change can happen in do-able steps and stages.
You don’t have to leap.
You don’t have to blow up your life.
You don’t have to completely dysregulate yourself to experience a life that feels really good.
You can inch your way into a life where you feel deeply at peace.
I promise you.
Until next time love,