How to get exactly what you want

Oct 03, 2024

Hello lovebug! 

Wooo…  I had a DAY yesterday.

I had meticulously planned out all the things I was going to do the day before. 

I’d blocked off my calendar and scheduled work sessions. 

I’d visualized my day… I mean…

I was READY to go.

And then I woke up in pain (which happens sometimes).

So I did a guided meditation for pain relief (instead of my normal silent meditation).

And then my pup, Mabel, was licking a spot on her arm in an area where she had surgery months ago. 

So I needed to schedule a vet appointment.

And then a house I was looking into purchasing, well I found out that that whole process needs to be put off until the new year.

(cue disappointed exhale)

And I had to reschedule clients because of the vet appointment and another call I had.

But I ended up not being able to take the call because I was in traffic for an hour after the vet appointment.  


Man! Talk about one of my least favorite feelings.

I even attempted to do some of the things on my list after I got home, but I was so tired from all of the events of the day that I ended up giving myself grace, doing household chores, making dinner and going to bed early.

At 8:30pm. Not a lie. 

Because not every day works out like we think it will. 

Things happen. 

We need to adjust. 

That’s okay.

Which brings me to the first thing I end up telling all of the long term clients I work with…

But let me back up a bit.

When I connect with a client who is raring to go, who wants to change her life (now!), who wants to feel better and enjoy her relationships and make more money and live a freaking better life… Well, it’s so exciting.

The first thing we do to get that client on the road to big change is an initial assessment.

During this assessment I ask all kinds of questions.

Namely, what are your memories, beliefs and big decisions (or rules) that guide your life?

Now, I don’t say that (because—wtf—people would stare).

But what I say is, tell me about a time when you felt dismissed.

Tell me a story where you felt betrayed.

Tell me about your dating life.

Tell me about how your parents feel about money.

Tell me about what really stresses you out. 

And we go on like that for about 90 minutes while I make notes on their memories, beliefs and rules. 

During that time, I ask them to give me a number from 0-10 about either how true a belief or rule  is “All the good men are taken,” for example, or how intense a memory is.

And what most people want to do is give me a pretty number.

A nicey-nice number.

An aspirational number.

What I tell them is this: 

Your feelings are normal. 

You are not weird. 

I listen to this stuff all the time and as it turns out, we’ve all been through some crazy sh*t.

And—if you aren’t honest with yourself and with me about your numbers, we won’t know what you’re working with AND you won’t be able to see your progress.


You know that I am THE QUEEN of speaking things into existence.

I believe that our words have power.

I believe that thoughts are things.

I believe that we cast spells with things we repeat over and over again.

And so it’s so important to be conscious of what you say out loud and quietly in your head.

But when it comes to self work and deep emotional work, you’ve gotta be real.

When you can admit, “Well… freaking fracking frick. I guess I really do have a habit of beating myself up about this thing I do.”



Not the beating yourself up part, obviously, but the awareness. 

We’ve all gotta wake UP and see what’s going on in our minds and hearts in order to change everything we’re experiencing externally.


I’m going to say to you what I tell all my new clients:

Your feelings are normal.

You’re not weird.

It’s time to be real with yourself.

That’s where the good, big changes happen. 

If you’re thinking, “Damn. Okay. Eeeeek. Okay.”

Coupled with…. “OKAY! LET’S GO THEN!”

You’re the perfect person to sign up for a FREE intro session with me this month.

It’s my birthday month (Libra power baby), and I love sharing the love. 

This is my gift to you. <3

You’re eligible if you’ve never done a free intro session with me before or if you haven’t done any Emotion Code® work with me in the past six months. 

I’ve got limited spots and this is purely an O-O… an October Opportunity, so jump on it babe

And yes, we’ve established that I am a dork. (O-O?!… who SAYS that?) lol…

Okay, grab your spot and let’s get real about making your life better.


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