How to completely transform FAST

dream life life changes Aug 12, 2024

Hello lovebug! 

You know every week I write you these love notes, but when I talk to you one on one, some of you are like, “Wait. What do you do exactly??” 

I help high achieving, energetically sensitive folks change who they are so they can change their life in a BIG way.

I recognize that can be vague, so let me give you some examples from past clients: 

  • I worked with one incredible business owner and human who had a sense that something was off in her marriage (and had been for over ten years). She came to me because she was on the fence about what to do. After a year of working together, she filed for divorce, found her own (awesome) living space, met a new (wonderful) guy and closed on a HUGE client deal doing work she loves. Amazing.
  • I am currently working with a powerhouse woman who came to me because she knew that she’d inherited a TON of stuff around money and it was holding her back in her business. Like many of my clients, she’d done SO MUCH WORK to get past it, but she still felt stuck. After a year of working together, she’s gone from trying (unsuccessfully) to sell low ticket items online, to approaching angel investors around a luxury item that she created for millions in funding. (And she’s going to get it.) Unreal. 
  • I’m working with another super intuitive woman who came to me because she wanted to create some general life improvements around money, self worth, and boundaries, plus she REALLY wanted to get out of her current job situation. We’re in our second package together and she has COMPLETELY changed. She’s realized that she’s also a psychic medium (!) and she is on the precipice of stepping out and doing work she’s fully meant to do. Phenomenal. 

I’ve worked with SO many people who have done spectacular things with their lives because they decided to make some BIG changes in how they felt about themselves and therefore how they show up in the world.

In my experience, transformation works from the inside out. 

Most people attempt to make changes by working from the outside in, but I’ve found that often falls short and leaves the person feeling dejected and hopeless… basically like nothing is ever going to change. 

So! HOW do you get started on YOUR path?

As I say to everyone, the first step is to trust your intuition on what you need.

But here’s what I would do if I were you:

1️⃣ Book a psychic medium reading. You’ll get an overview on your next steps and we’ll do some healing work to help you on your path. (If you’ve already done this, go to step 2.) 


2️⃣ Book an Emotion Code® Intro session OR the August special (if you haven’t yet). You’ll get a sense of how much better you can feel without having to talk through your stuff. (If you’ve already done this, go to step 3.) 


3️⃣ Choose a transformational path. What is the area where you feel stuck in your life? Money? Love? Health? Something else? (Other options: spirituality, career, creativity…) Select that path and commit to six months to a year of working with me while we clear out the old gunk that's holding you back. 


I know six months to a year can sound like a long time to work on yourself, but remember that the majority of people who come to me have been struggling with that stuck area of their life—on average—for ten years already. 


And then we change their life in one. 

So, let me ask you: how many years have you been struggling with that big stuck area in YOUR life?

Imagine your life being completely different in one year’s time

Let’s completely transform things for you so you can stop waiting until the time is right. 

Questions? Reply to this email. 

I read every one. 🙂


PS: Waiting won’t make your life any better. Let’s get on track to make your life better faster than you could have ever imagined. 

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