Having faith when things feel hopeless

Jul 25, 2024

Hello lovey,

Oh my goodness this TOPIC. 

It’s so much of the topic of my client sessions every week, ESPECIALLY when people are really working a life lesson where they are learning to move out of fear and into trust. 

It is SO BIG.

So if you saw the title of this newsletter and thought… “Yeeeeesh. I have trouble with that.” 

I do too darlin’. 🙂 

And I know MANY other folks who do too. 

I want to set the stage that we can be kind and gentle with ourselves and with one another as we recondition ourselves to live from a place of gratitude and love and faith and less of a place of fear and dread and worry.

Gentleness is paramount here.

[PS: Those of you who feel really good living in trust and faith. YAY! That’s so amazing. There may be some items in this email that will help you understand what your family members, friends, coworkers, clients or patients are dealing with. It’s always good to try and understand others' perspectives so that we can sympathize with their experiences.]

Okay, you may know this already, but it’s a good reminder: we are wired to focus on the worst case scenario in order to survive. 

We’ve evolved as a species by staying one step ahead of our predators so, in some ways, it’s so good that we naturally do that planning process in our minds.


It can get a little out of hand if we are defaulting to the worst case scenario ALL the time. 

Strategic planning for scenarios is very different from being stuck in fight or flight because your body feels CERTAIN that the worst is surely ahead. 

So how the heck do you lean into trust and faith? 

The first step is to feel the feelings of hopelessness. Validate those feelings. FEEL them fully and let them move through you. Sometimes journaling or talking with a trusted friend or your therapist helps. 

Then it’s time to connect with the body; you’ve got to regulate yourself. 

I learned from the somatics teacher, Kimberly Ann Johnson, that when you soften your gaze and stare at a horizon line off in the distance, it’s regulating for your body. 

You can also go to Spotify and look up the frequency of 4-6hz. Just lie there and listen to those sounds. Get your body very calmed down. 

(You may not realize that you’re dysregulated until you start regulating. Just fyi.)

Once you’re feeling more regulated, it’s so important to start to get into the feelings and imagery of WHAT YOU WANT. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza (love him) says that feelings are magnetic.

Think about that… feelings are magnetic. 

When you’re accustomed to feeling a sense of dread, worry, fear or danger about the future, you may find that more worrisome events seem to crop up.

However, when you can keep regulating your emotions and getting yourself to feel a sense of wonder, appreciation, trust and love, it’s amazing what good things can come your way.

Now, this is not an opportunity to shame yourself (nor am I shaming you) for any tough events that have happened in your life.

Hard things happen. 

I am not denying that. 

Not one bit.

I’ve lived them. 

And yet, it feels so much better when we can do our best to focus on what we can control—and we can control how we feel. 

So, when something feels hopeless, check in with yourself. 

Are you watching a little terrifying or depressing mind movie (of your own making) in your mind again and again? 

What if you started watching a little surprisingly joyful or delightful movie (again, of your own making) in your mind again and again?

It may feel new and maybe a little bit like wishful thinking UNTIL some of those incredible things start happening. 

You are being a creator of your universe either way. Which do you choose to create? Chaos or Clarity? Dread or Hope? Fear or Love?

I know this is easier said than done, but you can do it. I work with clients every day to start changing the way they think, the way they feel and the way they create their future (and it works).

If you’re feeling like you could use some support in a particular area (some common ones: getting into a loving relationship, getting out of a marriage that no longer works, stepping into a new identity, managing your spiritual connection), I’d love to chat. 

You can set up a discovery call here. I’ll be honest with you about whether I think we can work to create a new reality for you in the big sticky area of your life. 

Until next week lovey,


PS: If you feel the nudge, book the call to chat. 95% of my clients are led to me by spirit (seriously!) - so if spirit or your intuition is nudging you, listen. 

Book a discovery call 

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