What is a psychic medium group reading like?
May 05, 2020
Hello friends.
I know we are still knee-deep in pandemic emotional sludge, but I thought I’d offer a little escape from your daily Groundhog Day experience to tell you about the group reading I did two weekends ago.
For those of you new to this blog, hi! I’m Rebecca and I discovered, quite haphazardly, last year that I am a psychic medium.
(You can read about my discovery process here.)
I started getting guidance about doing group readings a few months ago and therefore decided to float the option out to my list.
I immediately had five volunteers.
I’ll skip the boring logistical parts about setting up the call, but these five awesome people were super psyched, curious, and even a little vaguely nervous about seeing who would come through.
I told this group the same thing I tell all my private clients: Do Not Expect Your Loved Ones to Come Through.
When I do readings, I get communications that are general — as in the information being shared is not identified as being from one entity — but from a person's Spirit Team.
This Spirit Team can include angels, guides, and loved ones that look out for you, help steer you, and give you guidance via your intuition.
(Wondering what your guides are trying to tell you? Read this.)
I’m still new at this and therefore still learning, but I know that going into any reading with the expectation to hear from a loved one can be disappointing.
The sitter (person receiving the reading) may miss all kinds of valuable insight and guidance because they’re so intently focused on waiting to hear from that ONE person on the Other Side.
I’ve learned to warn people about expectations.
Most people do great.
This group came in with their expectations in check and with open minds and open hearts.
And wouldn’t you know, loved ones started pouring in.
Hold on.
Let me back up.
Perhaps we should talk about the different kinds of group readings out there first.
Let’s go over them briefly.
Large Group Readings
I’ve seen celebrity mediums do group readings for huge crowds of 200 people.
People are paying for a shot at a connection with a loved one, but the chances are slim that their people will come through.
To be fair, just witnessing a psychic medium reading for another person is magical.
It’s inspiring.
It’s amazing.
And just pretty... I don't know... cool.
There’s something about it… the feeling of being in the presence of Spirit is compelling.
In fact, I believe that’s the word people use who return to me again and again for multiple readings: they feel compelled to have another reading.
Not by me.
By something greater.
Okay... but back to group readings.
Large group readings are an EVENT.
I think there’s a reason why celebrity mediums do readings like this — they can't possibly serve everyone who wants a reading from them so this is a good alternative.
For newer mediums like me though, it doesn’t make sense.
Family Readings
I’ve seen established mediums offer group readings for families and extended family members.
Oftentimes different family members will come through from the Other Side and the family members will laugh, cry, and bond over the shared connection with this person.
These readings are pretty cool from what I can tell.
Small Group Readings
Pre-pandemic, (I guess these are all pre-pandemic scenarios actually,) mediums would offer group readings to 5-8 people.
They would meet together in a public place like a private room in a restaurant or the medium’s office and the medium would channel any loved ones who came through for the individuals in the group.
Oftentimes there are unifying themes that come through in these groups that are amazing and surprising to everyone in attendance.
My Group Reading
My reading was different.
My group was five people, unrelated to one another.
Two were friends, but the others had never met.
We did the group reading on a Zoom call.
Two people had experienced a reading before.
The other three had not.
In my private readings, I will start by clearing the sitter’s energy field.
In this reading, I was informed that we would start with a certain person and then go around and give insights to each person.
I ended up going around twice.
The reading took two hours.
Every person started off with a guiding energy - specific to them - coming through for their reading.
What was so cool about this group reading was that every person’s reading was so different.
Some people very clearly had loved ones come through.
Some people had ancestral healing work that needed to be done from generations before.
Some people had suggestions to travel to places that would provide healing.
Some people received confirmation that the choices they’d recently made in their life were the right ones.
When I followed up with each of the volunteers they all agreed that they really enjoyed the group setting.
They said it was not only powerful and interesting to receive their readings, but it was also incredibly special to be able to be there and hold space for the other people in the group while they received their reading.
Some people cried.
People often cry during their readings because there’s some confirmation of connection, of life beyond this world, of a loved one being there.
It makes all kinds of feelings bubble up.
Also —
When you receive a private reading, it’s informative and insightful and healing.
When you watch other people receive readings where they make confirmations of what they’re hearing, it legitimizes your experience.
It feels real in a different way.
So that’s the skinny on the first group reading I’ve done.
I walked away feeling like it was a success.
The group loved it.
Everyone got something from valuable from it.
I’m going to be offering another group reading soon, so if you or someone you know would like to be a part of that reading, shoot me an email.
I have 5 spots available and it's on a first-come, first-served basis.
I'd like folks who have not yet had a reading with me.
It won’t be free like the first test group, but it will be at a reduced rate as I’m still figuring this out.
That’s all for this week.
Having trouble with something specific during the pandemic?
Write and tell me about it.
I’ll see if I can address it in a future blog post.
Stay home.
Stay safe.
Love you all,
PS: Have an instinct that someone you know might be interested in a reading? Share this blog post with them. Lots of people are transitioning right now - from Covid-19 and non-Covid related causes. I'd love to help where I can. xoxoxoxo