Finding your spiritual mission

Oct 10, 2024

Hey lovebug,

I’ve been talking with a number of folks lately who’ve really been wondering about their purpose in life.

I gotta be real honest with you, I dislike the idea of having a purpose.

Maybe it’s because I think words are so important and the definition of purpose feels, hm... hollow, somehow, to me?

Or maybe it feels like a box to check or some deeply unsatisfied part of the ego that will NEVER be satiated?

It feels like the subtext of NEEDING A PURPOSE is that if we don’t connect with some reason for being born, what are we worth anyway?

Am I getting a little too astrologically 12th house here? 

It’s very possible.

Either way, and again, I’m a word person, I prefer to use a different word because it feels spirit driven for me. 

That word is MISSION.

Now, I know if you’ve worked in the corporate world or in non-profit spaces, you may feel yourself starting to recoil in horror because of too many (pointless and nonsensical) meetings based on a vapid “mission statement” of the organization.


That’s not the vibe.

I’m talking about your spiritual mission for this incarnation. 

Doesn’t that only feel so much better but sound so much more real and true?

It does, right?

Your spiritual mission may show up in singular moments, like pulling someone on a sidewalk out of the way from being hit by a car.

It may have an ongoing theme, like being someone who helps inspire creativity in children or being a medical professional who stands up for patients rights or discovering a new fitness craze (like the creator of Zumba®) that completely changes the lives of millions of people. 

A mission FEELS different from a purpose.

It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with what you do for work. 

It may have nothing to do with other people either. 

It emanates from your heart center.

It may bring you to tears. 

If I were to ask you to get quiet and tune into what your spiritual mission on this round of your time on earth is, what do you hear, see, sense or know?

Do something for me: 

Put your non-dominant hand on your lower abdomen, below your belly button, then close your eyes and ask to know your spiritual mission. 

Be open to what comes forward. 

You could get a one word answer. 

You could get a flash of an image.

You could receive a deep knowing.

You could have a memory pop up.

You could suddenly have your life crystallize in front of you and you could realize that you’ve been living your mission all along. 

You may not get anything just yet, but keep asking and then STAY OPEN.

I believe we all have a spiritual mission that we agreed to before we incarnated.

I also think that most of us forget what that mission is the moment we’re born.

Our journey is the process of re-connecting to our mission and then living it out.

Some folks find it SUPER early.

Some folks find it after 20 or 30 years. 

And some of us (me included) take 40 years or more to really connect with our mission.

I will tell you that there a few things that helped me find my mission:

  1. Meditation. Why? Because it opened up my intuitive abilities which led me to…
  2. Intuition. All of a sudden I started feeling SO LED in my life after years of feeling so lost.
  3. Self trust. Do you know what builds self trust? Intuition. Do you know what builds intuition? Meditation. 
  4. Focusing on myself. <<< this one is WILDLY counter-intuitive, but when I’m happy doing what I love, I am ON MISSION.
  5. Energy work. Oh my gosh y’all. The world conditions you to not follow your joy and to not trust yourself and to dismiss your intuition and to people please and it’s just a HOT MESS. Energy work helps you zoom on past all that b.s.

There’s a REASON why I teach the things I teach and offer the support I offer. 

I KNOW it works because I’ve lived it.


Here’s how I can help you find your spiritual mission: 

  1. Get my spiritual meditation self paced course
  2. Or if you want more accountability get on the waitlist for the live evening course in 2025 here. << this one is perfect if you work a normal daytime job. 
  3. Book a free Emotion Code® intro session (October only) and start clearing out some of the emotional conditional that’s keeping you from truly knowing what’s on mission for you.

I know what works because I’ve not only done this work to help me connect with my spiritual mission, but I help my clients every day to feel more aligned, more alive, more intuitive, more connected, more prosperous and more happy. 

I’d love to help you feel all of those things too.


PS: Wondering why I always talk about how I can help you? Because I’ve never met someone who didn’t need support on their journey and it’s my spiritual mission to help you ascend. So, love, let me help you. Wondering where to start? Reply to this email with “I need direction” and I’ll take it from there. 

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