Feeling lost and stuck?

multidimensional healing spirit connection spirit guides Oct 14, 2024

Are you in the spiritual wilderness?

Ohhhhkaaay… spiritual wilderness? 



Being in the spiritual wilderness, in my summation, means that you’re feeling lost, unmoored, helpless and possibly hopeless. 

You know you need something, but you don’t know what that is. 

You desperately want to get on your soul’s path, but you have no clue which way to go. 

You know you need a teacher for whatever it is that you’re supposed to be doing, but you don’t even know where to begin. 

You feel like a tiny boat floating in the infinite ocean with no sight of shore.

Or like a hiker walking stumbling through the woods at night without a compass or a flashlight. 

There’s no clear path as far as you can see, and, frankly, you’re tired of trying to figure it out for yourself. 

When you do try to go it alone, you wind up at dead ends or feeling like you’re walking in circles.

Ultimately you end up alone, stuck, wanting to go somewhere, but mired in place—alone in the wilderness of your own mind and heart. 

The spiritual wilderness doesn’t have anything to do with your spirituality, per se. 

You can be highly spiritual and still feel lost, disconnected, and uncertain of your next steps. 

In the wilderness, you may be tapping into your lone wolf energy and trying to self-help-book your way out of confusion. 

(That doesn’t work.)

Or, you may be turning to people you know (family, friends, coworkers) but not only are they decidedly UNhelpful, but they’re actually making you feel worse for asking for the support or advice you need. 

In essence, your vulnerabile reach out for help backfires, and you end up feeling even more alone and uncertain. 

I find that people end up in the spiritual wilderness when they’re on the cusp of a monumental change.

You’ve had a call to adventure—you know that there’s a life for you that matches one of your big life intentions (money, travel, creative expression, having kids, etc.)—and you WANT to go there, but there are obstacles in the way. 

Let me tell you a secret about the spiritual wilderness… come closer… 

-- the only way out is with the help of a mentor. 

If you’ve been waiting to figure it out on your own, love, you’re in for an even longer wait. 

If you think it’s about timing, it’s not.

If you think it’s about money, it’s not. 

Just like being lost deep in the woods without a compass, in order to find your way out of the spiritual wilderness, you need a guide. 

You will most likely need many guides on your journey, but getting out of the wilderness and onto your path is the FIRST one you need.

Think you might be in the spiritual wilderness in your life?

I want to invite you to book a psychic mediumship and multidimensional healing session

Click here to book.

I don’t talk about my mediumship work that much, but it’s really the perfect first step in getting yourself out of that paralyzing feeling of stuckness.

We’ll sit down together over Zoom. 

I’ll walk you through a grounding and connecting exercise.

And then your spirit team will start sharing things with me quickly to share with you.

No tarot cards or astrological charts or background information necessary—I’ll just begin hearing things that pertain to you, your life and your spiritual journey.

Spirit’s in charge; I do the delivery and healing work as spelled out to me in the session.

Feeling the nudge? 

It’s definitely time to book then. 

Your team has guidance waiting for you. 

Big hugs, Rebecca*

PS: I would be so grateful if you would share this info with your friends and family. Anyone who could use some direction out of the wilderness. Thank you. <3

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