Feeling a little anxious?
Nov 12, 2024
Hi lovebug,
One of the things I notice with all my new clients is that they feel anxious.
A lot.
After we work together, they feel less and less anxious, but in the beginning or if they only work with me for one session, anxiety is a BIG emotion that we work on clearing from the past.
Because the more you clear anxiety from the past, the less you feel it in the present and future.
But I digress.
One of the things I will occasionally do with a client is walk them through a meditation that helps them to feel centered, grounded, and vibrating at a higher frequency.
I’ve done this enough times that my clients would ask if I could create something they could use again to help calm them down when we weren’t in session.
So… I finally did it!
I created a Gentle Grounding Meditation that REALLY helps you to feel, well, gently grounded.
It’s a great way to soothe your anxiety, calm your racing thoughts and call your light back to you at the end of a long day.
You can grab yours here for $9.
Anything you can do to calm and regulate yourself will help move your life forward.
Check out the gentle grounding meditation here and see for yourself what I mean. 🙂