Big love + Life purpose: the link

Oct 07, 2024

Hello lovey, 

I was talking to a client recently who’s been feeling frustrated because she doesn’t know what she wants to do for work. 

She said she didn’t feel passionate about any one thing, but felt interested (if only mildly) in lots of things.

She falls into the category of people who often say, “I wish I was born knowing that I wanted to be a musician or a doctor or an actor. I wish I had that kind of passion. Then I could just go for it.”

First of all, I need to dispel the myth that just because you have a passion for something doesn’t mean it’s easy to pursue it. 

Think about all of the talented painters, singers, dancers, writers, healers you know. 

They KNOW what they want to do.

The passion is there. 

That doesn’t mean they don’t still struggle to actually pursue their passion. 

Everybody’s got obstacles to overcome.

Now I want to dispel myth #2 about having a passion.

It’s a lot like falling in Big Love.

Big Love is different from passionate love.

I have some other names for passionate love…

I called it drama, trouble, codependency, toxic, and at the worst of times, an abusive relationship. 

It can mistakenly feel like Big Love, but it’s not. 

It’s an unhealed wound seeking repair. 

That is passionate love.

Big Love feels different.

It’s not a big, flashy parade.

It’s not a Wagner symphony with sweeping highs and lows. 

It’s not melodramatic or flamboyant or decorated with streamers and confetti.


Big Love is like your whole being getting quiet. 

It’s a knowing. 

Big Love whispers to you, “This one.” 

It’s the same thing with the work that feels right for you. 

It just is.

It’s like a click! into place.

Some days it feels like work.

Some days it feels like ease.

Either way is OK because it’s in alignment with your soul’s agreement. 

When you’re in Big Love, you will shift from wondering if your relationship is right to making plans together. 

When you’re living in alignment with your purpose you will shift from trying to figure out what to do to figuring out how to do it better. 

Your Big Love and your soul’s purpose may look nothing like what you expected, but each will make total sense. 

They are both imperfect and yet a perfect match for you. 

But it’s not a raging storm of fiery passion.

It’s a fire that you keep adding logs to and stoking through the night. 

One of the things that I find that helps people with both finding big love and connecting with their purpose is clearing their heart-wall.

A heart-wall is an energetic wall of trapped emotions around your heart that keeps you from actually feeling your emotions, knowing what you really are passionate about, and intuitively trusting yourself to follow your heart.

I’ve noticed that when we clear the heart-wall in my long term clients, MASSIVE shifts happen because they are clear and aligned in mind, heart and body.

The best way to find out if you have a heart-wall is to try out a 1:1 Emotion Code session with me.

Since it’s my birthday month, I’m offering a clearing of five emotions for FREE to anyone who hasn’t worked with me in the last six months (or has never done a session with me). 

You can get BIG shifts even from clearing five emotions, so don’t pass up this opportunity. 

Click here to book your free intro session. 

I’m so looking forward to what comes through for you about love and/or your purpose in life. 


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