Writers: Are you letting your guides help you?

creativity spirit guides spiritual coaching Jul 14, 2021

I’ve been learning over the past 18 months that I have an inordinate number of writers, aspiring writers, and closeted writers who follow me.

Hello kindred! Today’s post is for YOU.

I was talking with a friend of mine (an aspiring writer) the other day.

She told me that she has trouble writing when she feels depleted.

She explained that it felt like she was trying to draw water from an empty well.

I just sat there dumbfounded.

“Wait,” I said.

“You think your writing comes from within?”

She looked at me with a “Well, yeah…” look on her face.

“Huh…” I said. “That hasn’t been my experience.”

All of my writing comes from above.

I sit down, open up, and the words flow through me, not from me.

Sure I’m drawing on my experiences, but I have help.

I always have help when I write.

Now, let me be clear here.

YOU are always in your work.

The story I just shared with you is a story I lived.

But the words of the story don’t feel like they’re coming from me.

My experience was the inspiration for the story, but it’s almost like I’m not telling it…

Does that make sense?

Did you know that I’ve channeled for more than one writer who definitely had a guide on their Light Team who provided specific support for their writing.


From what I understand, there are guides that are specific to a skill, like writing, for example.

Their assignment is to aid in the creation of writing.

If you’re a writer, you have such a guide!

So let me ask you, writers, aspiring writers, closeted writers, do you feel like your writing comes from you or through you?

And if you feel like it only comes from you (or that you can’t write when you’re depleted for that very reason), would you be open to an alternative source of inspiration?

What if when you sat down to write, you got quiet and let the words flow through you?

What if you envisioned light pouring into your head and coming out through your fingers as stories, poems, thoughts?

When I write, the magic comes in through the top of my head and passes through a kaleidoscope of filters: my voice, my thoughts, my style, my humor, my care, my timing, my experiences, my wisdom, my wackadoodleness (yes—that’s a word) and comes out as something for you to read and—hopefully—feel inspired by.

My job?

To get it down on digital paper and then hit publish.

Week after week after week.

Do you see how it doesn’t matter whether your well is full or not when it comes to writing?

When you open up to it, allowing your writing spirit guide to help you write can be healing.

I’ve found that most of my writing clients often feel BETTER when they figure out how to channel their writing with the help of their writing guide than trying to bang on doing it all themselves.

You have to raise your vibration to get to that point of connection with your Light Team and then when that brilliantly bright energy flows through you? Wow. It feels amazing.

I want you to try it this week.

Surrender to the energy and see what comes through.


It might surprise you!

Writers: did you find this helpful?

Do you need more help with learning how to allow inspiration to flow through you and become your written work?

Email me and let me know!

In the meantime, keep taking a moment to connect with YOUR guides (even if you’re not a writer per se).

You have guides specifically there to help you with your pursuits, whatever they might be.

Until next week I’m sending you big hugs,


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