Are you fighting divine guidance?
Feb 24, 2021
Have you ever had a fly trapped in your house on a summer day?
If you’re like me, you prefer to guide the fly toward an open window rather than swat it with a newspaper.
And have you ever noticed how resistant that little fly is to help?
It outright ignores your guidance and flies, in vain, I might add, directly towards the glass portion of the window.
The more you try and gently guide the fly towards the open window, the more it buzzes in panic and runs away!
It’s quite a maddening feat to help a fly actually...
I see spiritually disconnected humans like the fly in that scenario.
(PS: There’s nothing wrong with being a spiritually disconnected human. I have been one many, many times. I've been the fly, for SURE.)
Our guides may be motioning us towards the open window over and over again, and yet we fly, in vain, DIRECTLY at the glass, panicking all the while at their steering.
I love this analogy.
As humans, we have a somewhat omniscient view of the fly’s predicament, and as such, we have a clear solution to set them free.
I see our spirit guides as being in a similar situation when it comes to our lives.
Our guides see the big picture of our life scenario—oftentimes in terms of one of the larger life lessons we signed up to learn—and in turn, may gently guide us through our intuition in order to help us.
But here’s the catch, love:
We must surrender.
We must admit what we intuitively know.
We must receive their guidance and stop fighting it.
Now listen.
It’s can be incredibly scary to do these things.
What if what you know is that it’s time to move back to where you grew up?
What if you know that the master's degree you just finished isn’t actually what you want to do for work? (And now you’re staring at $80k in student loans…)
What if you know that the stress from your high-paying job is making you sick?
When you know it, there's no unknowing it.
And then you have to deal with it.
Teaching you to trust yourself is the most crucial component of the work I do.
Truthfully, that's my whole job, y'all.
When you get on path, when you listen to the guidance that IS coming through for you, when you trust that intuition and follow it, your whole life transforms.
It does.
Many of us are learning similar lessons.
Self-trust, confidence, boundaries, self-worth, being seen, being heard, perfectionism, finding a (spiritual) life path and purpose, learning how to find a specific way to channel the divine.
These are the topics I focus on to help you grow, and these are the things I'm learning as well.
We teach what we need to learn.
In my experience, all of these life lessons can begin to be healed by connecting with divinity through your intuition.
When you can use your rational mind in connection with your intuitive guidance, wow.
How do you know if you’re fighting divine guidance?
You keep getting a nudge or a tug to do something and you shush it away.
You spending a lot of time in the Avoidance Club. You use some kind of numbing activity (social media, drinking, drugs, food, sex, video games, shopping, tv, sleeping, helping others, reading the news, obsessing about other people’s lives, etc.) to avoid the pain or hard things in your life. (We are ALL in this club in some way. No shame here. I 100% do this. We're ALL here.)
You spiritually aligned with one part of your life, but pretty checked out in another. For example, you feel connected in your relationships, but you're disconnected when it comes to your work.
You know intuitively what you need to be doing and you purposely and consciously don’t pursue it (oftentimes because it’s too scary).
I go in and out of times in my life when I’m more spiritually in tune and feeling more courageous to take action with the divine guidance I’m getting.
That’s life.
Courage and connection ebb and flow just like anything else, and that’s normal.
Humans aren’t machines.
However, if you’re tired of ebbing in the direction of not enough connection and not enough courage and way too much of the same old patterns that are driving you crazy, that’s when you really need to get your intuition back online.
Here's what you do:
Step one: Click here to get on the list to be notified when my Intuitive Rockstar course is out.
The course will be out on March 17th and I CANNOT WAIT to share it with you.
It’s gonna change your liiiiiife.
Plus! When you get on this list, you get the early bird pricing.
Ohhhh yeaaaahhhhh.
Get on that list baby.
Step two: Consider doing a Divine Path series with me. This series is for anyone who KNOWS they’re spiritual and can’t (gosh darn it!) get connected with spirit no matter how hard they try.
Past clients who have benefited from this series: Artists, writers, healers, real estate agents, top-level executives, arborists, medical workers, acupuncturists, teachers, social workers, therapists... truly some incredible folks.
AND—all spiritual beings who bring light to what they do.
And all looking for spritiual re-connection in some form.
I don't know if I've said this, but just working with a medium once will immediately open you up to more intuitive connection with your guides.
It's wild.
And when you do three consecutive sessions, the connection gets stronger and stronger so that you start doing the connecting on your own without me. No joke here.
It. Is. Incredible.
You can check out the Divine Path series here.
That’s all for this week, love.
I'll be back with more training on how to connect with your guides via your intuition next Wednesday.
Until then, be good to yourself today, as best you can. <3
PS: Here are the links again in case you missed them:
Click here to get on the Intuitive Rockstar list.
Click here to check out the Divine Path series.