Addicted to digital portals?
Nov 14, 2024
Hello my sweet potato pancake,
(Yes, I love pet names and I adore you… so if you don’t like being adored, then this may not work out… )
Have you been scrolly-scrolling a little too much lately?
And do you find yourself scrolly-scrolling when you actually need to be doing something else?
Like showering.
Or making food.
Or doing your j-o-b.
I believe that our phones are digital portals.
These portals connect us to information.
That information can be helpful or harmful, truthful or deceitful, inspiring or draining… but it’s information nonetheless.
These portals can also connect us to people.
Again—those connections can be helpful or harmful, truthful or deceitful, inspiring or draining… but it is a form of connection all the same.
These portals can also DISconnect us from physical reality.
I don’t know about you, but when I go down a particular rabbit hole (digital portal), I often forget that I have a body.
I lose track of the place where I’m sitting.
I can stop hearing what’s going on around me.
I can tune out the world I’m LITERALLY existing in to dive headlong into a world made up of pixels… almost to the degree that I don’t conceptually exist WHERE I AM.
Now, you may have a totally different experience from me with your phone.
Maybe you have figured out how to stay deeply present in your body and deeply rooted to your physical surroundings?
But if you’re like me and you haven’t (and honestly, I think that’s most of us), I wonder if you’re craving something real lately?
Here’s what I mean by real:
Re-potting a plant.
Making bread.
Listen to music on vinyl.
Giving a friend a long hug.
Taking your pup for a walk.
Playing a ukulele.
Smelling the fresh air on a walk.
Doing a home repair project.
What I’ve noticed from putting my phone down and doing something with my body to create something is that you come back to my senses—as in your sense of taste, touch, hearing, sight.
When you use your senses, you often feel so much more grounded in the present moment.
And when you feel more grounded in the present moment, you can enjoy the reality of life around you.
Am I simplifying things?
But also maybe not.
What is life except these small moments of creation and connection?
That’s what life IS.
So, if you find yourself being pulled into a digital portal, see if you can redirect and use one of your senses.
Go make something.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will probably not want to leave the digital portal because it’s so deeply addictive.
So! Very much like a patient and loving parent, you may need to walk yourself through it.
(Even if you didn’t grow up with a patient and loving parent, you can be that person for yourself.)
Gently put the phone down.
Pep talk yourself into getting up to physically do something that involves your senses and physical body.
I find that dates with friends or family or partners can make this process MUCH easier.
If you’re looking for support on how to pull yourself back into reality, my suggestion is to start with a reading. You can get yourself on my calendar here.
I’ll give you some direct suggestions and do the energy work to help you ground back into now.
Book your psychic medium reading now.
Okay lovebug.