A personal update from Rebecca

psychic mediumship spirit connection Jul 18, 2024

Hello loved one,

I haven’t written to you like I normally do in the past week (and that’s so unlike me) so I wanted to explain what was going on in my world over here.

Hm… actually. I think some backstory is actually the best way to proceed…

When I realized I was a medium in August of 2019, a few interesting things started happening:

My taste for certain foods changed.

I suddenly didn’t want to eat meat or fried foods.

Drinking alcohol stopped appealing to me.

My cravings for sugar and chocolate disappeared.

I wanted mostly fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, beans and seeds.

It was SO sudden and felt so directed by something outside of me (there was no intentionality here, it just HAPPENED) that I turned to the main resource I had at the time.


After doing some searching I realized that I was eating something called the psychic diet without realizing that’s what I was doing.

I was being spiritually led to change my consumption habits to higher frequency foods.

I believe this lasted a few months and then I gradually settled into my new frequency and I went back to eating a mix of all things: french fries and lemon drops included. ;)

When you’re doing spirit work, frequency is everything.

The higher your frequency, the more able you are to connect with light beings.

I remember I had one teacher at the time who encouraged me to stop watching or reading anything violent, demeaning, dehumanizing, degrading or personally troubling to me and my body.

I was already doing that to a certain degree because I already knew how exhausting and damaging those images and stories were to my body.
(And I’m talking about real life news stories and fictional shows or movies.)

The reason why I’m bringing all of this up is because it’s happening again, but on a bigger scale.

I’m being upgraded—frequency wise—and it’s forcing me to go inward, to rest, to work in spurts where and if I can.

That looks like me not watching television at all.

Drinking only water.

Going back to even higher vibrational foods (not just gluten free bread, but high nutritional density nut and seed loaf of bread).

Lots of sleep (including four hour naps where I’m moving in and out of rest and awareness).

Naps where I drop into a deep sleep for thirty minutes and then I’m up again, but it feels like I’ve slept for hours.

Experiencing a deep feeling of everything is going to be okay and recognizing that the areas of my life where I used to get so spun out, don’t actually matter (at least right now).

I’ve been going in and out of a trance state—which is also something that happened back in the early days of giving readings.

And so many spiritual downloads and I’m still making sense of it all.

I knew this change was coming because for months prior I could feel my body starting to vibrate (almost in an agitating way) the way that an object will vibrate and rattle before it shape shifts or changes location in a fantasy movie.

That’s the best way I can describe it.

I hope that in sharing this experience with you, you can start to identify the times in your life where you are being upgraded for the next level of your journey.

The spiritual journey, for all of its wholeness on the spirit side, can be a little isolating on the human side.

Please know that wherever you are on your journey, you’re not alone.

In fact, I’m preparing a community just for people like us.

More goodness coming in the next few weeks,

Sending you love,

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