Nourish your soul with these three artists

coping skills creativity inspiration soul Mar 30, 2020

Well heck.

What day is it?

I've succeeded at making it through to 6:45 pm, but I couldn't tell you what I've done in the past twelve hours since I crawled out of bed.

I'm pretty sure there were two dog walks, a FaceTime chat, and a whole bunch of foggy-minded mulling about what to write for this week's post.

And I think there were some snacks in there too...

You know, my brain is full to the brim with people telling me what I could do, should do, don't have to do, might consider doing during quarantine.

And that's just from a friendly scroll-stroll through Instagram-ville.

I thought you might feel a little full of all the well-meaning suggestions too.


Let's do something different then!

I've decided to share some joy and beauty and wonder with you today.

Not from me, but from artists around the world who I cherish.

We ALL need some soul nourishment right now.

And what better way to feel nourished than through ART — the Great Connector.

Yes let's do that!

So today you'll get a lovely (and needed) distraction from the crazy-pants world AND very little advice from me.

How does that sound?



One more thing!


I am a woman who loves music...

who loves the sound of things...

(or who vehemently does NOT love the sound of things... hello highly-sensitive-person).

But all of these short video art clips MUST be watched with the sound ON.


Because other wise your Soul won't get all the nourishing it needs!

Okay loves... okay.

Here we go...

First up - we go to FRANCE! Here's a super short and delightful clip from one of my TOP FIVE favorite movies of all time... Amelie.

The things Amelie likes... *swoon* 

Next! We're off to Sweden! Have you ever heard the sound that ice makes when it cracks?

It almost sings! Check out one of my favorite artists, Jonna Jinton, as she shares the wonder and beauty of this remote part of the world. It's otherworldly. (Subscribe to her channel. She's so inspiring. I'm telling you...) 

Lastly... I LOVE stop motion animation. It's playful and accessible and feels more alive to me than 2D animation.

I can't get enough of this short in particular.

The artistry. The details. The choreography.

It's exceptional.

Get ready to be mesmerized. 

That's all for this week loves.

I hope that nourished you on a deep soul level.

Art has a way like that...

I have room in my schedule for some readings this week.

If you're interested, email me at rebecca@capacityforgreatness or use the contact form on this site.

Sending all the hugs and comfort your way...

(Hang in there. You're doing great.)

Until next time,


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