5 signs you need to connect with your spirit guides

multidimensional healing spirit guides Oct 17, 2024

Did you know that there are a few kinds of psychic medium readings?

First a definition: A psychic medium is defined as someone who can communicate with spirit beings.

Those spirit beings can be loved ones who have passed over, angels, and spirit guides.

I often do a combination reading with whoever comes through for the person I’m reading for, but mostly, I connect with spirit guides.

Spirit guides serve to keep us on track with our soul’s contract and the lessons we are meant to learn in this life.

The guides may be specific, like a guide for your spiritual growth or your career or your art, or more general, like a loved one who serves as a part of your spirit team or your main guide who is with you from conception. 

I love all kinds of mediumship, but spirit guide work is especially satisfying because I LOVE seeing my clients go from feeling aimless, hopeless, and lost to focused, confident, successful and on path. 

Here’s how to know if you might need some help from a psychic medium who talks to your guides: 

 1) You feel lost. 

Many clients come to me because they feel lost, hopeless, confused, and/or directionless. One of the things I love MOST about working with clients over time is taking a moment to look back with them on how far they’ve progressed. When you start working with the kind of psychic medium who connects with your spirit team that’s when you start to get on path. You become more courageous. You start feeling impatient with the current life that doesn’t serve you. And you start making changes.

2) You feel way off track from how you want your life to be.  

If you feel a sense of heaviness, dread, or just a “this isn’t right” feeling with the way you’re living your life now, you’ve strayed off your path. You can do this in any area of your life: work, relationships, family, health, art, where you live, who you hang out with, etc.. If you’re doing something that is just NOT THE THING that’s right for you, you will feel it. It won’t feel good. You know what I’m talking about. When you work with a medium, YOU will start to connect with your guides when you’re in session, but also on your own. It’s like a part of you WAKES UP and won’t settle any longer. And then you decide to make changes. Usually they’re changes that you’ve been craving (read: quietly dreaming about) for years. 

3) You feel spiritually disconnected.

When you get immersed in the working world, in the 3D world, in the world of drama and suffering, it can be hard to remember what it feels like to be spiritually connected. Feeling spiritually connected is not only necessary for your soul’s health and well-being, it’s crucial for your emotional, mental, and physical health. Working with a medium will help you reconnect that spiritual part of you with your team of the highest light and resonance, with your higher self, and with your soul’s path. (And we’re here to evolve along our soul’s path so the more you can be squarely on it, the better you will feel.

4) You have an inkling that you’re supposed to be doing something big (but you’re not doing it). 

THIS. This is the one that brings people to tears in an initial session. The TRUTH that you are a writer, a healer, a teacher, an artist, a coach, an entrepreneur will come through—and that HUGE part of you hasn’t had any airtime in thirty, forty, fifty, or sixty years. It’s a wake-up call to change gears, shift directions, and move in the direction that you kind of knew you always wanted to go—but now you have proof of what you knew all along. 

5) You’re ready to make some big changes in your life. 

You’ve been hemming and hawing and MEANING to make changes for a WHILE now, but man, it’s hard to make big changes alone! You keep meaning to put the money aside to buy that course or sell your house or quit your job or start taking photographs, but TikTok is a time suck and you get distracted easily. Then you look at the calendar and it’s another year gone by and you’re in the same spot you were in last year. Your guides were ready for you to make changes yesterday (seriously) and one of the ways they help you get on track is by bringing things (like this blog post) into your line of sight as if to say, “Hey! It’s time! What are you waiting for?

If you’ve been feeling even a couple of these five ways, it’s time to find a psychic medium you can trust. 

Whether you want to work with me (you can book a reading here), or with another psychic medium who connects with guides, I suggest you set those wheels in motion asap, babe. 

It’s time. 


PS: Today is my birthday which reminds me that it is VERY fun to get a reading as a gift Not for me, lol, for YOUR loved one having a birthday! If you want something for the spiritual person in your life or the person who has everything, send me an email and we’ll send over our gift reading link. :)

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