4 ways to stop stressing about time

Oct 21, 2024

Hello love,

I’ve been noticing some themes around TIME coming up for lots of my clients (and friends too) lately.

They don’t feel like there is enough time to do everything they feel like they need to do.

There’s often a push to do more and more in less and less time.

There’s a belief that time is constantly running out and there are so few opportunities in life that you have to take them all RIGHT NOW.

There’s a creeping desire to run away from everything and everyone to hide and recover. 

Is this you? 

I ask because I used to live like that. I stressed myself out so much that I would often get sick, my shoulders were nearly always tense or tingling with stress, and I didn’t feel content or relaxed in my life at all.

I was perpetually in a state of fight or flight.

My health suffered so much in fact, that I ended up HAVING to do things differently. 

Here are some of the (potentially unexpected) mental and emotional shifts I made to start living a more fulfilling and less busy life: 


  • I stopped being afraid of death and found peace with it. 


Leave it to the Scorpio rising to start with the big guns, right? (lol) But seriously, this one shift was huge for me. I realized that I had this sinking feeling that I had to do everything and meet with everything and accomplish it all because death could happen at any time. Realizing that death is not an end, but a new phase calmed my nervous system down. When I started to understand that death was a part of life and not the end of life (because I believe our consciousness never dies), I could trust that I was going to be okay, no matter what. (This didn't happen overnight, so if you're struggling with this one, I see you.)

  • I started living in alignment with my likes and dislikes. 


When I was walking through my life thinking that any and every opportunity that popped up was THE ONLY CHANCE I would have to live that experience, then it felt very difficult to say no. Even when I was exhausted. Even when I didn’t have the money. Even when I didn’t really WANT to do whatever thing was being offered to me. I would almost always say yes because WHAT IF I MISSED OUT?!? Over time, I’ve realized that missing something wasn’t actually a bad thing. What felt MUCH worse, was doing something out of alignment just to say I’d done it. As I’ve grown older and cared less about what other people think, I’ve felt more freedom to say yes and no to activities knowing that my intuition is a better guide than anything else.


  • I took the charge out of saying no and receiving a no. 


What do I mean about taking the charge of saying no? I stopped making it a big deal in my mind. I stopped acting like it was the end of the world if I said no. Do I want a banana for breakfast? Yes or no? No. Okay then. Do I want to fly to Vegas for the weekend? Yes or no. No. Okay then. Do I want to go on a second date with this person? Yes or no. No. Okay then. NO BIG DEAL. At the same time, when I asked someone to do something, I let them say no without making a big deal out of it as well. I started saying to myself and others: "We can always ask for something and the other person has the right to say yes or no without any explanation." Talk about FREEING.


  • I stopped holding myself to an impossible standard. 


Honestly, babe? No one cares. Yes, we need to do a good job at work. Yes, we need to be a good parent, partner, sibling, and friend. Yes, we need to do our best to vote, show up for our neighbors, be a decent and kind human being… and also no one’s perfect. Everyone’s juggling lots of responsibilities. Everyone is doing the best they can for that moment. When I say no one cares, what I mean is no one is following you around with a clipboard monitoring your every move and judging you (except maybe some part of you…). So it’s okay to relax a little. Bring the bar down. Lower the pressure you put on yourself and see how that space frees you internally and externally.


  • Bonus tip! I started being bravely honest with myself.  <<< this one is the biggie.


Do I really want to go to a costume party for Halloween on a Thursday night? I do not. Do I really enjoy going to the opera even though someone is offering me free tickets (and they seem desperate for SOMEONE to go)? No. I don’t like opera. Do I want to go for a hike, ever? I DO NOT. (That is blasphemous to say in the Pacific Northwest by the way, but we’re being bravely honest here.) When I stopped living under the tyranny of I SHOULD like/want to do this, everything became easier and more spacious in my life.


I did a ton of energy work to make these emotional and mental shifts happen in addition to holding fast to these new beliefs.

The Emotion Code® is INCREDIBLE for these kinds of transformations. 

Since it’s my birthday month, I’m offering a clearing of five trapped emotions for FREE to anyone who hasn’t worked with me in the last six months (or has never done a session with me). 

You can get BIG shifts even from clearing five emotions, so don’t pass up this opportunity. 

Click here to book your free intro session. 

In fact, look at what happened for this client who I’ll call Lisa from just a 5 session clearing: 

I definitely felt the difference today, I normally wake up all groggy and it takes me around an hour for my brain to be fully awake but not this morning, I felt less foggy brain and more awake within 5 min after waking up and considering I was a bit naughty and stayed up till after 2am watching “Manifest” after our session and getting up at 7:45am, it’s amazing!  

Not only that I had this sense of feeling lighter and happier even felt like I was kinda smiling for no reason and feeling more positive.

If you are ready to start shifting your beliefs and emotions around managing your time, DEFinitely grab your free session now.

This is an October opportunity, so book it now

Question? Reply to this email I read every one. ;)


PS: I did a whole mini-training on this topic in the Spiritual Playground Facebook Group last week. If you haven’t joined yet, you can do that here.

Book your free clearing session here.


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